The Beast

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A young girl the age of 15 only a few hours from being 16 was running to save her own life, though the dark lanes in the depths of Nightprowl, with a creature, not a beast nor a human bounding after her. She screamed and pleaded for help.

"Someone anyone, help me!" She desperately pleads to the silence of the dark foggy night.

Her feet became sore, her vision was blurry from her tears that were streaming down her cheeks and her screams sliced though the quiet eerie night. She trips over a broken television, and slid across the shards of broken glass, cutting her open in many places. Her ankle snapped and the beast caught up to her, she screamed as the beast took hold of her leg in its wet sloppy mouth. The young girl screamed an ear deafening scream as the beast's jagged flesh-tearing teeth sank though her skin into her bone with a deafening crack. Then suddenly a young boy came sprinting out of the darkness and into the lane and straight into the beast, shattering its ribcage, the beast howled with anger and pain and took a swipe at the boy trying to knock him off balance, but instead of knocking him over the boy grabbed the beast's arm and yanks it from its body with a loud pop, blood poured continuously from the body as it laid still on the damp cracked pavement. The boy that just saved the girls life walked over to her.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked while looking her over, his voice was gentle yet worried.

"N-not r-really." She says while her whole body shook from fear and pain, the boy knelt down next to her and took off his shirt and wrapped it around her lower leg tightly, trying to stop the blood flow.

"Why are you here? Not that I'm not grateful for you saving Me." she asks while he slowly starts to stand.

"Because.......Well...." he trails off and looks away then he looks at the beast.

"Were you following me?" she asks in a slightly annoyed voice.

"No I wasn't, I was just walking around town when I heard your pleads and your screams and I got a feeling that I needed to come see what was wrong, and luckily I did, otherwise you would be that things snack." The boy placed her arm around his shoulders and pulls her to up onto her good foot and walks slowly.

"Oww!" She cries out and stumbles as her other foot hits a rock, he catches her and picks her up and carries her like she was as light as a feather.

"Here eat this." He passes her a leaf and she pops it into her mouth and chews, and the pain goes away almost instantly. They walk out into the light of the main street and almost everyone in eye sight were staring at them.

"Oh," he said "I forgot about that." He smiled widely showing his teeth and she notices two sharp teeth with in the mix and blinks wondering if they were real.

"Oh, I've had them as long as I can remember." The boy says out of nowhere.

"Hmm?" The girl mumbles and blinks. "What the teeth?"

"Yea." He nods "The sharp ones, I'm Zorro by the way."

The girl smiles and shifts in his arms so she was more comfy and that it was easier for him to carry her.

"I'm Ashes."

"Nice to meet you." They say together

"Jinx." They yell at each other.

"Jinx again." They yell again, this time they glance at each other and start to laugh.

"Let's go get you looked at."

"Might be a good idea." Ashes says looking around at the sparkling city of Nightprowl. "Sorry if i'm heavy." She mumbles.

"It's ok, you can't walk so I will carry you, and you're really light as well, so it's no biggie." Zorro chuckles softly and starts to walk towards the hospital. After a few kilometers of walking they reached the hospital. Ashes looks up at Zorro.

"Will you stay with me?" Ashes asks quietly

"Of course I will, that's the first thing I would do." Zorro says quietly in her ear.

"Thanks so much."

"No worries at all."

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