The Attacks

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"So your little sister lives here?"

"Yea, her room is just down the hall, do you want to meet her?"

"Yea ok" Ashes stood up and walked out the door and down the hall, she knocked on the door where Zorro saw the small head pop out of, then the door clicked about ten times then the door opened and Ashes walked inside. After a while Ashes walked out with a kid about the age of 10 by her side holding Ashes' hand tightly, the kid looked up at Zorro and ran from Ashes' side and tackled Zorro over in a huge hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Cried the little girl.

"Oh hello there, and you're welcome?" Zorro said confused.

"Rami, get off him your scaring him."

"Oh right sorry." Rami said as she stood up and ran back to Ashes and wrapped her arms around Ashes' waist, Ashes picked her up and kissed her forehead and wrapped her arms around her.

"Hey don't cry now, I'm fine you know that I'm fine." Ashes said as she gently stroked Rami's perfectly aqua hair. Zorro stood and walked over to Rami and Ashes and gently rubbed Rami's back. Rami puts her arms around Zorro's neck and he pulled her off Ashes and hugged her.

"Shh, it's ok, one day you'll grow up to be just as beautiful and strong as your sister." Zorro whispered to Rami as he held her close to his chest.

"I hope so." Rami said through short sharp breaths, her tears were starting to stop and all that was left was tear stained cheeks and the ragged breaths from the crying.

"I know so." Zorro flashed a smile and stroked Rami's hair, Rami nodded and took her arms from his neck and Zorro put her down. Rami looked from Ashes to Zorro then back to Ashes.

"I like him, you should try and stay friends with him forever, or maybe you could become something more special." Rami shoot Ashes a huge cheeky smile.

"Really, you want that to happen? You're such a goon." Ashes started to blush.

"Ohh you didn't deny it, you like him you like him!"

"Shut up Rami." Ashes growled, then all of a sudden Rami dropped to the floor holding her head.

"Winston, be quiet it hurts!" Rami whispered.

"Rami?" Ashes and Zorro said worryingly at the same time.

"Ashes, two males in black, one at front and the other at back, I can't hold them out for long."

"Zorro you take front I'll take back, rami go to your room and lock the door, I'll call if I need you ok?"

"Ok, don't get hurt again, I don't think I have enough energy to heal you again." The three broke off into a sprint, Zorro slipped out a window into the garden. Ashes had already took Rami to her room and was silently stepping down the stairs, her knife by her side ready to attack, Ashes reached her arm out to open the back door but just as she touched the door knob a person cried out, then a beautiful orange bird with flames flickering from it body, then the flames died down and the bird turned a mix of dark blues and greens, appeared on her upper arm.

"Pix!" Ashes cried out as the bird snuggled its face against her cheek.

"I missed you." The bird said.

"Is he dead?"

"Nope he's only taking a nap." Ashes walked to the front door and stopped when she heard a male cry out, Ashes' heart skipped a beat.

"Can you have a look?"

"Sure thing." After that Pix disappeared and then reappeared with an odd look on his face "There's a guy with a rabbit and someone laying on the ground."

"Ok, thanks." Ashes opened the door and walked out and walked around the person laying on the steps and smiled slightly as Zorro was standing holding a black rabbit.

"Did you do this?" Ashes asked as she put her knife away again.

"No, Raze did."

"What that cute little thing?"

"Yea, here hold her." Zorro passed Raze over to Ashes

"She sure is a cute one hey?" Giggled Ashes. The rabbit replied in a rit noise.

"Yea she is."

"Oh she can't talk yet?" Ashes giggled as she saw Pix standing proudly on Zorro's head.

"Not yet, I hope she will soon though. Wait what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." Ashes burst out in laughter as Pix spread his wings wide and gave a flap of wings that sent him flying backwards into a tree. Zorro turned to see the mix of dark blue and purple bird.

"Who or what is that?" Zorro said pointing at the bird laying in a hole of the tree.

"Pix is the name, Fire is the game." The bird replied as it tried to get out of the hole. Zorro didn't look one bit surprised but he looked more curious than anything.

"Hmm, what kind of bird are you? From the looks of it you're a phoenix." Zorro said as he pulled the bird from the hole and lifted it up.

"Yea, that is my exact species." Pix replied as he disappeared and reappeared on Ashes's shoulder as she handed Raze back.

"Raze, shadow chain." Raze jumped from Zorro's ands and landed on the person laying on the steps and after a few moments shadows started to form around the person's body and connect into chains, After the chains had completely covered the body, Raze jumped back into Zorro's hands. "Good girl." Zorro said scratching Raze behind the ears.

"Pix take him to the room." Ashes said in a voice that was quiet and sly. Pix nodded and flew from Ashes's shoulder and as he landed on the male and disappeared with him then Ashes grabbed Zorro's hand and pix landed on Ashes's shoulder and the front yard disappeared and a dark room appeared with the male sitting on a chair. Ashes let go of Zorro hand as he doubled over holding his stomach.

"God I feel sick." Zorro mumbled as he leaned back on a wall.

"You'll get used to it." Ashes said as she moved over and pulled the male into the only chair in the middle of the room. "This guy is the one that I saw following me a little while back."

"How long back?" Zorro asked a little curios but also a little freaked out. Ashes didn't reply she just grabbed Pix and disappeared.

"Rami what is it?" Ashes asked as she appeared in Rami's room and she was looking at a screen.

"I wasn't paying attention and someone slipped into the house, I would have taken care of it but he's so big and eh probably would have crushed me like a grape."

"Ok I'll go, just make sure Zorro doesn't do anything stupid."

"Ok." Ashes walked down the hall and down the stairs, without making any noise. She slid her knife from her jacket sleeve and hide behind a wall, blocking herself from the males view.

"Darn bird." She heard the male growl at Pix.

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