The First Villan

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"Well, as much fun as that was, I have to get to work," Peter says as he stands up from his seat.

"Wait, you have a job?!" Clint asked, shocked.

"Yes" Peter replied bitterly.

Very well, but you are the only one who can go. The voice said, and in a flash, Peter was gone. Before anyone could protest, the voice said; I am bringing Peter's class from the same year as Ned and MJ. There was another flash of light and several figures appeared, the figures were Mr. Harrington, Flash, Liz, Betty, Cindy, Sally, and Abraham.

"Where are we?" Betty asked, panicked.

"We don't know" Tony replied.

The class slowly made their way to the empty seats by Ned and MJ. Before anyone could say anything else, the voice said,

Let's start the second part.

[Cut to a shot of governmental vehicles taking away Stark Industries' property and assets.]

Tony did not look happy and had to be comforted by Pepper.

Newcaster #2: Stark Industries was caught in the web of the Spider-Man/Mysterio controversy today, when federal agents opened an investigation into missing Stark technology. The agents wanna know exactly what was taken...

[Peter, May, and Happy are sitting at the table, watching the news. On the screen we see Happy's picture subtitled "No comment at this time.'']

Many people were laughing at the photo, while Peter's class was silently wondering why Peter was in this.

Happy Hogan: At least they used a good picture.

"Whats a bad picture?" Sam asked innocently, but was silenced by a death glare from Happy.

Peter Parker: What is happening?...

"Why is Parker in this?" Flash asked, but no one acknowledged his question.

[A man sits down next to Peter, his white cane strikes the floor with a loud thud. The man is Matt Murdock, the frigging DAREDEVIL. He's having a conversation on the phone.]

Matt Murdock: That's great. Thank you. Well, I have some good news, Peter. I don't believe any of the charges against you are gonna stick.

"Charges?!" Liz all but yelled.

Peter Parker: Wait, seriously?

May Parker: [with relief] Oh, I knew it.

Peter Parker: Oh, my God. Mr. Murdock, thank you. That's...

May Parker: Thank you, Matt.

Peter Parker: That's amazing.

Matt Murdock: You're welcome.

Happy Hogan: Perfect.

Matt Murdock: However... Mister Hogan?

"Uh oh," Steve muttered.

Happy Hogan: Yes?

Matt Murdock: The feds are actively investigating the missing technology. I understand you're loyal to Mr. Stark and his legacy, but if you were involved...

Happy Hogan: If I was involved?

Matt Murdock: I might secure a lawyer.

Happy Hogan: I need a lawyer because I'm un... I'm under inves... I thought, you said, there's no charge. I could say under the advisement of counsel, I refuse to answer the question respectfully because I... the answer could incriminate me. There's a saying in Goodfellas. What did they say in Goodfellas?

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