War With A Wizard And The Desicion

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Everyone was on edge, some leaned so far in their seats that they had to catch themselves before they hit the ground in a graceful faceplant. 

Peter Parker: Oh, my God. I'm dead.

The tension in the room broke and light laughter filled the air.

Stephen Strange: You're not dead. You've just been separated from your physical form.

Peter Parker: My physical... What?!

[When Strange reaches out to retrieve the box from Peter's grip, the arm suddenly moves upwards]

"Yes, Pete!" could be heard being shouted out by several people.

Stephen Strange: [confused] How are you doing that?

[He tries to grab the device again, but Peter's arm moves downward]

Peter Parker: I have no idea.

"Of course he doesn't" muttered Tony, earning him yet another slap to the back of the head from Pepper, causing him to mutter a quiet and quick; "Sorry dear,"

[Stephen reaches out, again and again, but the arm keeps going up and down.]

Stephen Strange: [under- and overreaching] You should not... be able... to... DO THAT!

"He's getting angry," snickered Sam, causing Bucky to laugh, and Strange to send them a glare that would have sent the bravest men running as fast as possible in the opposite direction.

Peter Parker: (looking at his hands) This feels amazing.

[While Strange is dealing with the moving arm, Parker air swims towards his body. When his astral form reconnects with his body, it flings back onto the pavement behind him. Peter quickly gets back up]

"Clever," muttered Bruce, while Strange looked offended.

Peter Parker: That might be one of the coolest things that's ever happened to me, but don't ever do that again.

This caused another wave of fond laughter to ripple through the assembled heroes.

[He proceeds to swing away, with Strange immediately sending his cloak in pursuit. The cape reaches Parker a few blocks later and grabs him mid-air, holding him in place.]

Peter Parker: Hey! Get off of me!

[Strange reaches them soon enough. The cape lets go of Spider-Man, flinging him away, and as he flies aimlessly, Strange opens the gateway to the Mirror Dimension. Peter hits the gate and starts falling in an opposite direction, as reality around him warps beyond recognition. Strange follows him and tries to trap him as they both travel through a mall. The environment warps, twists and duplicates, but Peter is able to evade it all. As soon as he enters open space, he is caught by surprise and hit by Strange's combo attack. Then a random train hits him. The Machina de Kadavus falls on top. Just as Stephen is about to intercept it, Peter webs it back to himself, jumping on top of the train. Stephen sighs. Peter jumps on top of the floating vehicle]

Peter Parker: What is this place?

Stephen Strange: The Mirror Dimension... where I'm in control.

"Not cool, Strange," muttered Tony, who was secretly worried for his son-not-son.

[Strange casts another spell. The New York skyline is turned upside down, while the ground level turns into the Grand Canyon, slowly covering up the remaining buildings. The train floats through it all at top speed]

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