Planning and Preparation

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All the heroes held were at the edge of their seats with the same thought running through their heads; what will happen now?

[Cut to the Peters at the Midtown High laboratory, all standing by one of the work tables. MCU Peter empties the bag filled with broken devices]

Tony's heart sank, all that work and it was destroyed.

Peter Parker: Okay, so... (pulling them apart) Connors, Marko, Dillon, and, uh... Look, I think that I can repair the devices for Dillon and Marko, but the others...

Webb Peter: Well, I got Connors. I've already cured him once, so no big deal. [Beat] What? It's no big deal.

The hero's eyes widened, how had he managed that?

Raimi Peter: Great.

Peter Parker: Yeah. That's great.

Raimi Peter: I think I can make an antiserum for Doctor Osborn. Been thinking about it for a long time.

"That's good," Steve said, hopefully, all the villains will be cured.

[MCU Peter side-eyes Raimi Peter with barely concealed vengeance.]

Raimi Peter: Gotta cure all of 'em, right?

MCU Peter: Right.

Raimi Peter: Yeah, it's what we do.

Many of the heroes felt inspired by this, aiming to help everyone, even the villains.

[Raimi Peter walks off to another corner of the lab, leaving MCU Peter to contemplate things. He notices MJ looking at the group.]

MCU Peter: What?

MJ: It's just... Three yous.

"Must be weird," Clint commented.

[MCU Peter looks back at them chuckles at the absurdity. Raimi and Webb Peter put gloves on and grab chemicals off shelves, each working on their own separate cures. As Raimi Peter squeezes some liquid from a dropper into a test tube with a flame over it, Ned rolls up behind him.]

Ned Leeds: Um... So. Do you have a best friend, too?

Raimi Peter: I did.

Ned Leeds: You did?

Raimi Peter: He died in my arms. After he tried to kill me. It was heartbreaking.

Webb Peter: Dude...

"Now that's just depressing," Clint commented, again.

[Ned sits with that for a few moments before standing and walking over to MCU Peter.]

MCU Peter: Will you, uh, run a diagnostic?

Ned Leeds: Yeah.

[Ned presses a key on the laptop, then quickly walks away. Peter looks after him, confused. MJ sidles up to him.]

MJ: Hey, you okay?

MCU Peter: Uh, yeah, I'm fine, are you okay?


MJ: Mm-hm.


MCU Peter: You don't deserve this. I brought you a life of--

MJ: Peter no. No, no, no, no. No. Look at me.

[She grabs his face.]

MJ: I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna get through this, and we're gonna get through it together. Okay?

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