Marian x female! reader

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There will be gender-neutral or male reader stories with Marian eventually, but for now, I'm on a brain rot for no reason about Marian being gay.


Title: A new crush.


You started to work in Mathilde's kitchen for almost a whole month as you finally see the princess for the first time while delivering drinks. Her having taken an interest in you, talks to Scarlett who organizes a girls' night with them and the new girl, making Marian realize new things she thought she never would.


Warning: None.

Reader is a female.

3,5k+ Words


"Y/n, can you peel those potatoes for me, please?" Mathilde's voice was heard as you set down the basket filled with the groceries for the day.

"Right away, Mathilde!" You replied while loading and organizing the supplies. You walked towards the counter which had some potatoes lying on it. You grabbed the first one while grabbing the knife and started peeling, throwing the peels in the garbage bucket.

After a few minutes, you heard Scarlett greet her mom behind you. You didn't need to pay any attention to them as you knew Scarlett would always check up on you after.

You heard footsteps approach you from behind and felt someone looking over your shoulder.

"Hi, Scarlett." You greeted her without up.

"Heya, Y/n." She replied while fiddling with an empty tray. She was on duty to bring the nobles and royals their ordered drinks when asked for them.

"How's today for you? I haven't been able to talk that much to you with all those thirsty nobles calling for me. You look quite tired. Already giving up on your first month working here?" Scarlett teased as she leaned closer to you.

You just shook your head with a grin as you slide the leftover peels into the bucket, then turned to her.

"Give up? Me? Please, you thought. I'm just starting, Scar." You teased back while she chuckled.

About a month ago, you were just a normal village girl- well, you still are, just not jobless anymore. That's right. You were getting quite bored doing nothing in the village. Each day roaming around the market or walking around in the forest. It became quite boring.

So you thought of a plan. Why not start working? You get to actually do something and you get paid for doing that something. Now you don't need to rely on your parent's money to buy stuff anymore.

Then, one day, you met Scarlett that was hanging out in the village with her cousin Robin Hood. You overheard her saying that they needed an assistant in the kitchen as it became too much for her and her mother to handle. So you quickly introduced yourself to her and asked if the job application was open.

There, she helped you get approved by King Richard, who quickly applied you to the kitchen with open arms. You were getting good payment as well, and you only needed to start working before lunchtime.

You became quick friends with Scarlett and held a good relationship with Mathilde. Quite fast getting rid of the Ma'am calling thing and acting properly to each other.

But, Scarlett was actually right. You were tired. You somehow haven't gotten the best of sleep these past few days and it's gotten a toll on your well-being. You weren't feeling sick or anything, just feeling drained.

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