Robin Hood x reader

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I suddenly thought about this one shot and finished it in two days. After this chapter, there probably will be an requested one shot for Richard and another AU chapter as I want to continue those. You all can still request if you want to on the request chapter.

On the scenario book I have troubles with Richard's scenario so I'm taking a short break from that to get more inspiration.

I'm also thinking about making another book based on the ship Robin x prince John. I'm only still deciding whether that would turn into a story or just a one shot book with different stories. But we'll see in time.



Title: Clumsiness has its perks.


Robin gets accidentally hit by a spell from Marian which makes him incredibly clumsy. With Tuck and Little John having too much trouble with the spell effect, Robin finds no other way but to ask you for help to serve some justice with him in a mission to get the taxes money out of the castle. Things escalate and confessions were told.


Warning: None.

Reader is gender neutral.

6,5K+ Words


"Okay, is everyone ready?" You all nodded at Robin as you watched the cart with two guards ride through the forest toward your spot. A big chest was located in the back of the cart. That was the taxes money from today. You've gotten sick of Prince John stealing those poor villagers' money almost every day!

You, Marian, and Scarlett stood behind a bush while looking up in a tree at the three outlaws. The group was split into two. The group for the attack included Robin, Tuck, and Little John, while the other group for backup was off you, Marian, and Scarlett. You three would rush in when it was really necessary.

You were fine with it as you weren't that much of a fighter anyway, but you could basically feel Marian's grumpiness from the right at you as she grunted to herself in dissatisfaction. You understood her, she wanted to partake in some good mischief too, but she's basically royalty of the guards they were about to attack and it would be too risky for the sake of her and Scarlett to be discovered.

You three watched in silence as the cart rode under the three branches the three outlaws crouched onto. Robin was ready to shoot an arrow to stop the cart but was pushed to the side as Tuck was waving his arms hysterically at a sudden wasp that invaded his space. Robin fell off the tree but was halfway stopped as his arm was grabbed by Little John who grunted to himself while lifting his friend back up. Tuck was sheltering himself from the now angry wasp as it was now furiously swarming around him to try and sting him.

As the trio was trying to get themselves together, the cart rode away with no bother, the two guards on board not having noticed a thing from the outlaws. You grimaced to yourself at the failed attempt as Marian stood higher from her spot.

"Now it's my turn!" She said as she grabbed her wand out of her owl bag. You heard Scarlett call out to her in panic as Marian pointed the end of the wand toward the cart.

You squinted your eyes a little as a bright light came from the wand. Instead of hitting the cart, it hit the outlaws who just jumped from the tree, their bodies being engulfed by a blue-greyish light while levitating them for a second before letting them fall back on their ground. You heard the boys grunt as Marian let out an "Oops" from beside you.

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