027 ; transfiguration chats

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you were currently walking with ron, harry and hermione up to their common room.

you look up at hermione in question.

"strange?" harry asks.

"you hear this voice, a voice only you can hear.. and then mrs. norris turns up petrified. it's just strange"

you place a finger on your chin,

i guess so..

"do you think i should have told them? dumbledore and the others, i mean"

you wave your hand, "nah"

"are you mad?" ron says to harry.

"no, harry. even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign"

you cross your arms and nod, not like you would even know that.

hermione turns on her heel and continues walking up the stairs.

"she's right, you know" one of the small paintings beside you says.

you shrug, "i should probably go, bye bye!"

you wave to the three before skipping off and back down to your dorm.


"COULD I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE?" (will the real slim shady please stand up? sorry.)

you look up from your table at mcgonagall.

"right. now, today, we will be transforming animals.. into water goblets."

at the front of the classroom on a brown desk, was a large bird. it was black and white with a long, pointy beak.

similar animals were in large cages surrounding the classroom. this classroom was more of a dome, with the walls curving around the cages and back behind all the students' desks.

you were, like usual, sat at a two-seater table with hermione.

you blink in slight confusion.

"like so." mcgonagall points her wand at the unsuspecting bird.

"one, two, three" she taps the bird with each word, "vera verto"

your lips part as the same bird forms into a regular water goblet that you would usually see at your table.

"now it's your turn. who would like to go first?" mcgonagall steps down from the small risen bit.

ron looks down, "ah, mr. weasley. 'one, two, three. vera verto' " she instructs.

he nods, picking up his broken wand and clearing his throat.

he waves his wand down three times, "vera verto!"

a small green light emerges from ron's wand and scabbers turns into a goblet, except still squeaking, with fur, and a wiggling tail.

you snigger quietly under your breath.

ron picks up the half-goblet half-rat, twirling it around in disgust.

"that wand needs replacing, mr. weasley"

hermione sticks her arm up, "yes, miss granger?"

"professor.." she starts, "i was wondering if you could tell us about the-the.. chamber of secrets"

you perk up along with a few other students.

mcgonagall looks around the classroom, pursing her lips, "very well"

you grin excitedly.

"you all know, of course.. that hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago.. by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. godric gryffindor, helga hufflepuff, rowena ravenclaw and salazar slytherin."

you sit up slightly.

"now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. one did not" she shakes her head slightly.

"three guesses who" ron leans over to harry.

"salazar slytherin wished to be more selective" - you all watch mcgonagall as she walks past  - "about the students admitted to hogwarts. he believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. in other words, pure-bloods."

you rest your chin in your hand,

i see his point

"unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. now, according to legend.." she says as if she doesn't believe it, "slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle.. known as the chamber of secrets"

you crack your knuckles.

"though, shortly before departing, he sealed it.. until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. the heir alone.. would be able to open the chamber.. and unleash the horror within, and by so doing.. purge the school of all those who... in slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic"

oh, oh! that sounds fo fun~

"muggle-borns" hermione adds on.

mcgonagall nods curtly.

"naturally, the school has been searched many times. no such chamber has been found."

you pout slightly,


mcgonagall goes to walk to the front, "professor?" hermione starts again, "what exactly doe legend tell us lies in the chamber?"

"the chamber is said to be home to something... that only the heir of slytherin can control. it is said to be the home... of a monster."

you place your hands on your cheeks, feeling heat rise quickly,

oh, i wanna see!!

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words ; 723

date posted ; 20/03/22


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