Chapter 12

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"...if you can't do good, better do bad well"


Somewhere on the outskirts of Germany, twenty miles from the nearest town, stood a two bedroom cabin completely disconnected from the electrical grid. No one would know where to look for it unless they already knew where to find it. The unbeaten path leading to the hand built structure included sudden turns to avoid dampened marsh disguised as solid ground. If a vehicle were to venture onto them it would soon be stuck in the muddy Earth. Sinking further into the sludge much like quick sand the more you tried to drive or push it out. There were also deep ditches that were hidden among the bushes and fallen debris from the surrounding trees.

Ryan watched his wife navigate with expert precision through the dense forest. The air between them transformed into a tense and somewhat uneasy atmosphere. Eight hours passed since they fled from their home. Ryan took over the driving for the first four while his wife navigated and kept an eye out for any vehicle that might be tailing them. It was nearing the end of her four hours as the driver and Ryan was losing track of all the questions forming in his mind.

One thing was for certain...the woman he married wasn't who he thought she was. However, as soon as that thought surfaced it was immediately pushed down with the realization that she was in the same position. He never disclosed the truth about his career either. He could only pray that if she were an intelligence agent that she wasn't working for the enemy. He couldn't even begin to process that possibility at the current moment.

"Are we still in the clear?" Yolanda asked. Finally breaking the weighted silence.

"Yeah. Haven't spotted anyone for miles. Plus, I'm sure we would have noticed if we were. This isn't exactly a busy city street" Ryan answered. The irritation in his voice being hard to miss.

"We're almost there. About ten minutes or so"

Ryan hummed in reply while looking out of the passenger window.

Yolanda glanced over at her husband feeling hurt swelling up inside of her. She hated the wedge that was thrust upon them.

"Baby...I don't want to fight. Okay?" Yolanda pleaded gently.

"We're not" Ryan sighed. "Just processing..."

Yolanda said nothing although she knew Ryan well enough to know that things weren't fine between them either.

"I don't know who you work for and I've decided that I frankly don't care. You and Jazmine mean everything to me. I made a promise to keep the two of you safe and I keep my promises."

"Even if that means treason?"

Ryan chuckled and looked over to Yolanda who was smirking almost teasingly.

"Kind of used to getting myself out of crazy situations. No reason to stop now"

Yolanda pushed the breaks gently and turned off the engine.

"Look. I don't work for the government, alright. I wasn't exactly on the right side of the law."

Ryan frowned at this information.

"I made the decision long ago to leave my past exactly where it lay, the past. Never in a hundred years could I have guessed I'd be thrown back into it." Yolanda turned to stare at the cabin in front of them with a saddened look. "It was so hard in the beginning, because it was all that I knew, but then I met you and it got easier and easier everyday." A shadow of a smile tugged at the corners of he lips. "It got to the point where I would wake up and completely forget my past ever existed."

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