Chapter 13

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Having a soulmate is not always about love. You can find your soulmate in a friendship too.

- Unknown

Jazmine rested her head against her fist as she waited for the remaining five minutes of Mika's lecture to come to a close. She had to give it to her, Mika was one tough woman. She knew how to keep it together. Although Jazmine respected Mika she couldn't lie and pretend today was interesting. Not to mention that Daniel was being beyond creepy. For the last week Daniel was waking up cooking her breakfast every morning and always having some kind of flower to give her. It was kind of cute. Although, she could do without him following her around. He only physically appeared on the days she had Professor Kim's class. The other times she would get the annoying feeling of being followed and watched during other classes. Then like magic, Daniel would be waiting for her outside the classroom door ready to escort her wherever she needed to go.

"Did you have a good day today?" Daniel asked with a smile and slight bow of acknowledgement.

Jazmine scoffed and continued past him hoping to lose him in the crowd...but no such luck. She rolled her eyes as she adjusted her messenger bag on her shoulder.

"Like you don't know"

Daniel glanced at her while effortlessly keeping in time with her brisk strides. His head tipped slightly to the left as he slipped into his thoughts.

"Yes. You seemed to have a difficult day didn't seem, happy. That is rather unusual. Art History always makes you smile, especially on pottery days. It's the only lecture class you don't fall asleep in."

This caught Jazmine off guard.

She lowered her head and unconsciously brushed fingertips over her cheek from the sudden warmth rushing to them. Knowing he paid such close attention to notice something so small brought a genuine smile to her face.

"Yeah. I love art. I always have..."

Daniel watched her smile begin to sink into a frown.

"You're frowning again" He stated factually.

Again she adjusted the strap of her bag feeling a bit uncertain and...vulnerable.

"My father wasn't very supportive about my passion. He didn't mind me indulging in them in my free time, which I didn't really have much of." Jazmine sighed as they now walked along the sidewalk venturing further into the heart of campus.

"I....I don't think he could grasp the idea of loving something without some type of gain or profit coming out of it."

"Hmm. I never saw the logic in...what is the word?.."

Jazmine glanced at him curiously.

"..hobbies! That's it." Daniel declared happily. "I am still learning to understand. It still seems strange to me...but when I cook I feel something. I don't know the word for it..."

"Well. What if you try to describe it?"

Daniel walked and looked off into the distance processing the question silently in his mind.

"...Quiet." He finally answered with a smile and feeling content with the answer.

Jazmine's attention now completely on the man walking at her side.

"Food is simple. If cooked too long, it burns. Chicken will always taste better fried. Salt always goes with pepper. There are no lines to read between. No deceptions. I don't have to plan what I'm going to cook, or prepare for all the ways it can go wrong. I don't have to think. I can"

Daniel laughed lightly. "That probably makes zero sense"

"No. It makes perfect sense. It sounds peaceful"

Daniel's shoulders fell and a genuine laugh fell from his lips.

It was in that moment that the two of them realized how much distance they managed to cover. There wasn't much conversation after that but silence was far from heavy. In fact it was rather pleasant. Jazmine found herself feeling a tad bit disappointed taking her seat and watching him disappear from the doorway of her class.


Note: Can we talk about how cute the picture is? I found it online so I hope the accredited artist on the picture is correct. 

How adorable!

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