The Performace

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Dear Robby Bobby baby,
I'm so very excited to see you tonight. Be ready for the best night of your life.
xoxo ~your secret admirer

Roberts diary:
I had the most amazing dream last night. I'm pulled into a dark room. But I'm not scared. I feel a very small hand touch my face, caressing it. I smell an intoxicating perfume, the same perfume sprayed on my daily letters. The lights flick on and turn red. Before I can even see his face I'm being pushed onto the bed. I look up and he's on top of me, smirking with that charming smirk of his, blonde wisps falling out of place. He looks extra orange in the fluorescent red lighting. His deep blue eyes don't look so innocent anymore. But best of all...was what he was wearing... pink Lingerie and fishnet stockings. I feel his humongous butt on my magical wand, crushing it. Everything felt so real. And just before it starts to get good, my eyes open. I'm drenched in sweat, my magical wand pulsing with excitement. Oh I know it's unrealistic, but a man can dream can he not?

It's 12:30 am. I arrive at the Lincoln memorial in my tightest Batman toddler costume. (The one I'm still stuck in) It hugs my curves in all the right places and makes my magical wand stand out. I here blaring music and the loud chatter of a crowd of people. It sounds like a night club. I make my way around the building until I'm in the crowd. I make my way through the crowd, pushing and kicking people down. I hear a few screams of pain but I keep going. I am vengeance. I am the night. Then finally...I see it. The most beautiful and amazing sight I have ever seen. My heart skipped a beat. I knew my soulmate could be anyone here, but I hoped and dreamed more than anything that it would be him. I don't care what people say. He's all I want...All I'll EVER want. And the way he moves...

The pink light illuminating him in the dark night is breath taking. He begins to strip his suit, until he's only wearing lacy underwear and a loose tie around his neck. He begins to grind against Lincoln and the crowd goes WILD. I'm mesmerized but I feel a small pang of jealousy. I want him to grind against me, not Abraham Lincoln!!! He gets closer to the crowd  and then, he looks down at ME. And he winks. My heart starts beating a million miles a minute and I can't even breathe. Time seems to go in slow motion. I just stare up at him, wanting him more than anything.

Dear Robert xoxo ~DonaldWhere stories live. Discover now