2. Overthinking

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"What the fuck is a dyke doing at this party!" A blonde girl yelled out across the room, walking up to Winter.

"Fuck off Somi.. I was leaving anyway." Winter rolled her eyes, irritation creeping it's way into her body the longer she stared at her ex-girlfriend.

Karina had come running down the stairs and was about to stop the girl she had kissed, from leaving without her number.

"Couldn't find a girl's pussy to eat out tonight, huh slut?"

"Don't think I would want to try anyones after tasting fish on yours..." Karina heard this remark coming from the shorter girl and stifled a laugh.

"Whatever, fucking retard." Somi barked out, strutting her way back to Yeonjun, her boyfriend.

"Winter!!!" Karina called out, reaching for the girl's wrist, tugging her into her body.

"I never gave you my number." The raven-haired girl spoke, looking down into the deep pools of brown.

Winter giggled and pulled out her phone, giving it to Karina. The older took it without hesitation and inputted her number before walking off, leaving Winter standing at the door.


"Win..it's been a week since she gave you her number. Will you just pick up the damn phone and send her a message!"

"BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY BEOMGYU YOU'RE NOT HELPING" Winter grasped at the roots of her hair and bent her head down, allowing loose strands of black hair to fall over her face.

"Stop being a baby, Win and just message her a simple 'hey'...It really isn't that hard." Heejin spoke from the left of Minjeong, pulling the younger girl's phone from her grasp. With a struggle at first, she finally unlocked it, tossing the phone to NingNing, who sat opposite her and next to Beomgyu.

"Ning before she attacks you message her!!!" Beomgyu stood, holding back Winter from taking her phone back.



"I actually hate you guys so much you don't understand."

"Thank us later, Win." The blonde girl spoke, placing a kiss to Winter's cheek.


Winter's room was exactly like her name. Simple yet beautiful. The walls were painted a cool white, with band posters, vinyls and polaroid pictures of her friends, stuck on the wall. Plants were scattered all over the room and her bed was placed against the wall, white sheets with a dark grey duvet allowed the bed to look rather inviting.

It had been 3 hours since her friends had sent that message to Karina, and still there had been no response. Winter lay on her bed thinking of multiple scenarios. 'What if my message was too dry and she doesn't want to speak to me anymore..', 'What if she's busy hooking up with someone', 'What if she gave me the wrong number?'.

"You must be tired." Her sister's girlfriend, Lisa had entered from the door to see Winter looking exasperated while looking up at the ceiling.

"Huh...from what?"

"From letting your thoughts run through your mind all day. Relax Win." Lisa patted the girl on the head and then took a seat on her desk chair.

"Ha Ha real funny."

"Also can you knock next time...I could've been doing something...you know."

"I trust you not to be stupid enough to leave your door unlocked while doing that." Lisa rolled her eyes, a grin forming on her mouth.

Winter had gotten used to Lisa coming into her room when Jennie wasn't home yet. Lisa always listened to her problems and gave the best advice without talking about how stupid the younger girl was in the process, unlike her friends.

"You know Karina, right?"

"Of course I know her, she's in the same circle of friends as Jen and I."

Winter gave the taller girl a run-down of what happened at the party and then what her friends did.

"Win...you need to be more bold! Ask her on a date once she replies."

"I'm too shy for that."

"Suck it up Winter and do it."

"Nothing bad is going to happen..it's clear she's already interested in you because otherwise she wouldn't have kissed you and wouldn't have given you her number. Stop being a pussy." Lisa spoke in a bored tone, twirling one of Winter's pencils between her fingers.

The front door clicked and then slammed shut, indicating someone had entered.

"I'm hoooommeeeee", Jennie's sweet voice rang throughout the once, silent, house, causing Lisa to look up from the desk.

And with that, Lisa threw the pencil towards Winter and walked out without shutting the door. A total a sibling thing to do. To be fair, Jennie had been dating Lisa for 2 and a half years, so they basically felt like siblings.

Winter's phone lit up from a notification she never expected to receive after a while.

Winter's phone lit up from a notification she never expected to receive after a while

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"Blueberry girl..." Minjeong spoke aloud, a red blush forming on her face at the words on her screen.

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