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Mantu ran towards her ward and bashed inside as he saw Rama's face full of rage just an inch away from a shuttering Amaya as her face is dug in the pillow and she crying. "NO NO NO." "I AM TELLING YOU AMAYA....", and BANG!!, a glass bottle broke on Rama's head as Mantu held Amaya's weak body in his arms. Glass fell everywhere in the room. Amaya hid her face in his jacket as she kept murmuring his name. "Mantu.... Ma... Mantu... Mantu... Mantu". Mantu's one hand automatically went to her waist, supporting her body as other went into her hair slowly massaging her hair. "Don't be a police, if you don't know how to stop crime.", shouted Mantu as he held Amaya closer. "Everything is fine Amaya. Everything is okay. You are safe. Absolutely safe. Haan.", mumbled Mantu as he kissed her hair. Rama stood up from where he fell. He saw Amaya on her knees in bed hugging Mantu tightly by his waist, murmuring his name. "HOW DARE YOU COME NEAR MY WIFE.", screamed Rama as he walked towards them. He was about to grab Amaya's hair when a thick heavy steel plate banged straight on his face, bending the plate and also his nose. Amaya didn't even realised what happened. Not even Mantu could register. He opened his eyes to see Jazz standing in front of them with the plate. "Don't dare, come near my sister again. Sign the divorce papers and LEAVE." Jazz turned to Mantu with a shy smile on her face. "I wanted to try this, ever since I saw you doing this, outside. It feels nice to be honest. I think I broke his nose.", whispered Jazz in Mantu's ear. Mantu couldn't help but chuckle at her words. Amaya was still in his embrace, tighter than ever. He looked at her as he continued caressing her hair. Her eyes we're swollen from crying, she was shivering and murmuring something under her breath. Rama got up from where he fell. His nose was bleeding as he glared at Mantu and Amaya. "Amayaaa...", whispered Mantu as he sat on the chair near him and cupped her face to look into her eyes. She was not looking at him. "What are you murmuring? Tell me!", said Mantu as softly and calming as he could. Amaya looked in his eyes for a second and then looked around scared. She gulped as she closed her eyes tightly. "Amayaaa." "I w..want Rama divorce me.... Right now.", stammered Amaya as her eyes were still closed. Mantu looked up at Rama and everyone else as he got up from his chair and hugged her back in the same position. "Divorce... Divorce... Divorce... Div.. ", muttered Amaya in his embrace. "NO. I WILL. NOT DIVORCE HER. SHE WILL ALWAYS BE MY WIFE.", shouted Rama as Amaya shattered. She grew closer to Mantu as she said, "Please Ra... Rama. I don't want to do this. I can't... I", choked Amaya. "I can never keep you happy... I can never keep your family happy... Because I'm not happy... Please be the bigger person and leave me. Please.", said Amaya with all the strength she could gather. She didn't dare to look at Rama while speaking. She stared at the floor as she played with her hands. Rama walked towards her as he screamed, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY... YOU ARE...", he was about to come this close to Amaya when Mantu again pushed him back. Amaya jumped back and almost fell of the bed, when Mantu held her hand and pulled her to him. She fell in bed and immediately curled in the corner. "No... No... Please... Don't beat me...Pl... Please no...", fumbled Amaya as she dug her face in her knees and rocked herself. Mantu was shattered from inside, seeing her like this. He never in his wildest dreams imagined her this weak and lost. He walked upto the other corner of her bed as he said, "Rama, she is right! Please understand and get this over with..." He tried this so that everything gets over calmly, to avoid anything with Amaya. He slowly patted her head as Rama shouted, "YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Amaya curled her toes as she compacted her even more. "DON'T YOU DARE SHOUT AGAIN. CAN'T YOU SEE HOW MUCH IT'S AFFECTING HER.", screamed Mantu. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he continued in his normal tone, "Fine, I was trying my level best to make you understand normally, but if you don't, then let's bend our finger to get some oil, shall we?... If you don't sign on those divorce papers right now, you and your whole family will be going to the police and I'll be the witness along with Rachita Di and Jazz and of course the CCTV footage of hospital and definitely these police officers and 100% the documents doctors will write about Amaya's condition to make sure, you all never get past through that jail in your lifetime OR just divorce Amaya and you are free to go." Amaya looked up at Mantu as Mantu looked at her. He gave her nod as she turned towards Rama but immediately dug her face back again. Rama looked at her mother, who nodded her head, "Rama, let's sign these divorce papers and go home. Amaya is a freak, you don't want or deserve a FREAK as your wife. Do it. I can't survive in jail." Rama looked at her in disbelief, "I did all this in the 1st place to NOT divorce her. And now you are telling me to do so? You said no one will marry me, if I get divorced." "Arre, we will tell all the people in Banaras that you accidentally got married to a freak. You will get married to a much better woman. Just divorce and leave.", said Sumitra, selfishly. Amaya looked at Sumitra with a shock as she heard the word 'freak' used for herself. She tapped at Mantu's hand which was on the railing. "Ch... Check.. Check!", fumbled Amaya as her gaze was stuck to divorce papers. Manth nodded as he moved forward to check the papers. When Rama was done, he smashed them in front of her as she flinched and said, "Here you go! FREAK!" Amaya looked horrified as they all turned away to leave when they heard. "FREAK!!!"

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