Part 13 | By The Way

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Before we start,

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've had a lot of shit going at the moment, exams have been pushed forward, my mental health is screwed, etc

On a another note, guess who has covidddddd😒

Anyway, let's begin


You were attempting to teach the oldies (Thor, Steve and Bucky) how to use a Stark phone when a figure appeared in the living room.

"Death!" You exclaimed, jumping up to greet him.

Before you could speak again, he slapped you across the face.

"Not sure I deserved that" you groaned, turning back towards him only to be slapped back the other way. "I might have deserved that."

"Where the fuck have you been??" He yelled, pointing his scythe at you.

"Whoa whoa calm down! What the hell is going on?" Tony shouted, pointing a blaster at Death.

Death looked over at him in disgust before looking back to you. "Is he serious?"

"Ignore him, he's an idiot."

"Says Satan" Tony grumbled.

"That's not Satan, this is Y/n" Death replied, looking slightly confused.

"He doesn't do sarcasm" you explained quickly at the looks on the others faces. "Death, what are you doing here?"

"Where have you been?? I come back from Bulgaria and you're down here with mortals!" He exclaimed, waving his scythe around.

"Well hell isn't exactly a wonderful place is it?" You sighed, stealing Tony's drink and taking a sip.

"So you've just joined a group of superhero's? Gosh your standards have fallen."

"Gee thanks" Sam grumbled from underneath the couch.

"Yes, I have and it's more bearable than hell. You can go now, nice to see you again" you answered, shooing him away.

With a sigh and a puff of smoke, Death was gone.

"Stop bringing your demon buddies here!" Tony complained, taking his drink back and flopping down onto a couch.

"In my defence, he's not a demon, and I didn't know he was coming."

"Really- Pietro don't eat that!" Tony called, running after the speedster who was attempting to eat a succulent.

"I have to write a paper on worlds most disappointing inventions" Peter sighed, clicking his pen in frustration.

"Look above the sink in the bathroom" you commented, sitting down beside Loki.

The Spiderling ran upstairs. "But there's only a mirror!" He called down.

You smirked.




A few hours later, Tony came storming into the living room.

"Where the hell is he?" He exclaimed angrily, stepping out of his suit as the others followed.

Everyone had been sent on the mission except Peter and Loki, with you staying back to keep an eye on them.

Not the best choice of a guard in your opinion.

"We nearly had him, we were so close" Pietro grumbled, frustrated.

"Byyy the wayyyyy" you sang out, floating down on a pillow Loki had bewitched for you. "If you'd really like to know, he went... that way."

The others all looked up as you pointed in both directions. Loki was smirking over the top of his book, Peter trying not to laugh.

"Who did?" Clint asked.

"The Hydra Leader" you answered casually.

"He did??" Sam exclaimed, jumping up with Redwing hovering above him.

"He did what?"

"Went that way" Bucky commented.

"Who did?" You asked, feigning innocence.

"The Hydra Leader!" Tony interjected, glaring at you.

"What Hydra Leader?"

"But didn't you just say...? Oh dear" Nat muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose as you smirked.

"Can you stand on your head?" You asked, using Peters web shooters to hang upside down from the ceiling.

"Y/N!" Steve shouted in annoyance.

"Alright alright, touchy much."

With a flick of Lokis wrist, the man was lying on the floor in front of the team, gagged and handcuffed.

"You're welcome" you and the God said dryly before leaving the room. Peter ran after the two of you, babbling excitedly about how much fun that was.

"Get back here! Don't steal him he's only a kid!" Tony shouted nervously, running after the two of you.

"What do you were going to do? Eat him?" Loki asked sarcastically, turning around to face the billionaire.

"I might."

"Shut up Y/n."

"Well, no. You can't just steal my kid okay?" Tony grumbled, folding his arms.

"Who knows? Maybe I'll adopt him" you commented in a bored voice.

Peter looked up hopefully. "Really?"

"Jokes on you, you have to be have to be in a stable relationship to adapt" Tony replied, smirking proudly.

"I'll pretend Lokis my boyfriend, we can sign the papers and then it's done."

Loki bit back a smile as Peter beamed. "Even better!"

"Pete, he's a murderous God and she's a psychotic demon. They are not going to be your parents" Tony said firmly.

"Ooh, I've never been called puschotic before" you smirked, looking over at Loki.

"Shame, I've already been called murderous" the God shrugged.

"Boring. Tony, get a new nickname for leather man over here. Come on Pete."

And with that, you took Peters hand and led him down the hall away from the grumbling billionaire.

"Can you actually adopt me?" Peter asked eagerly, bouncing alongside you and Loki. "After Aunt May I..."

He trailed off, looking upset.

"I'll see what I can do" you said comfortingly, pulling him into a hug. "Now, I think it's Tim for bed."

"I'm fifteen!"

"And I'm 1,113."

"Young" Loki commented, looking smug.

"Zip it Laufeyson. Night Peter."

He sighed, putting on a pout. "Night Miss Y/n, night Mr Loki."

After he had closed the door to his top, you turned to the God beside you. "We need to figure something out."

"I agree" he replied, his face troubled. "My room, ten minutes?"


Well I hope everyone is doing well, I just wanted to say that I can't promise regular updates, but I will try my best to keep it regular.

I love you guys and writing, but sometimes I struggle with motivation and ideas.

Anyway, it's nice to be back :)

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