29 - Scar

71 2 0

[Luke's POV]

It's our second year! We became Sophomores!

I'm not really sure how to feel about it though.. I guess it feels like a minor change when compared to everything we went through...

Anyways.. we got a bunch of new faces in our school now!
Jay came in the morning with a chirpy girl, who introduced herself as his sister, Joy Hong. Apparently she's in as a fashion freshman.

Big Crystal told Luna that Kouji joined the new Computer Dept.

As for our department that's never had a girl in all these years apparently the new batch has two girls! And completely out of innocent curiosity and nothing else, Vasco, Jace and I went snooping near the Freshman's class to check it out.

When we saw all the buff and violent looking boys, we shrank behind the door.

"Huh Sophomores?"

"What's this?"


Damnit we're caught-

"Jace! Luke! Hide behind me!"


Save us Vasco!

"IT'S AN HONOR! VASCO!" They all bowed down in unison shocking us three for a while before they surrounded Vasco and Jace like fangirls.

They kept talking and asking about Vasco, Jace and Burn Knuckles and how great they are and how they wanted to be part of Burn Knuckles too.

Sobs in secret pack member that's not supposed to expose themselves.

For some reason I noticed a single tear rolls down Vasco's cheek and seems Jace noticed it too as he stared at Vasco with a worried expression.

Is he crying from happiness or cause there are no girls?

"Hey I thought you came to impress Vasco, not make him cry" a sweet voice laughs out as it's owner walks into the classroom completely relaxed.

"Hey I thought you came to impress Vasco, not make him cry" a sweet voice laughs out as it's owner walks into the classroom completely relaxed

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Lifting up her fingers, she wipes the tear off Vasco's cheek. A sweet smile reflecting through her red eyes.

"Hey I'm Scar, and that Leonn" she introduces herself and another kid that was behind her looking a bit annoyed.

Well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed-

"Hey Scar, you adjusting alright kid?" I ask her ruffling her hair which make her playfully scowl at me.

"Yeah, the kids here are sweet, plus I got to meet the Great Vasco you keep rambling about" she flails her arms around as she mimicked my name for Vasco at home.

Well not like I've been hiding the fact that I'm sipping for Vasco anyways.

"You guys know each other?" Jace asks making us turn to him.

"Yeah she's another person in our family"

"You're family is really big" Vasco comments we an astounded tone to which Scar and I simply chuckle while glancing at each other.

"We know"

Along with that there's this new transfer to the Animation Dept. In our year not a freshman.

He caused some trouble during the first few weeks, beating up our boys and troubling our girls. And there was also this skinny tall guy who came one day and acted like that new transfer but he stopped coming after that day, probably since he got beaten up by everyone he tried to trouble.

Honestly do people just wake up one day and think 'I I wanna be a mean grinch today' ???

"What did they say their names were?" Scar asked me once, but I could only reply with an uncertain tone.

"The big bully is Logan and the skinny creep... I'm not sure..."

Then we went on our school picnic to Notte World. It was really fun since we got to hang, but after a while Lucy and I spilt from the group and went eating a bunch of snack and taking a bunch of photos.

I remember helping Jay who had lost his phone and wallet find them with the help of some students from another school. They were sweet to help a stranger.

"Woah you rode the Gyro Drop?" Lucy interprets.

Damn even she gets Jay now.

"Really?? You're awesome Jay!" I chirp in which made the blonde smile proudly.

Oh yeah but before that we saw Daniel get called onto the stage to dance with Inspirit! He was with them during his trainee days at PTJ so he apparently knew every single move!

But what was more shocking was DG was the one to call Daniel onto stage!

Literally everyone was shocked to see someone as famous as DG knew our big Danny. And on stage Daniel was absolutely flawless. It was so cool Lucy recorded the whole thing!

After that Danny went backstage to chat with his idols friends so we couldn't get to see him for a while.

When we all met up again it was to eat some food and snap some pics. The day ended with a really nice festival with many foreign dancers. The performance was so flashy and exciting, but for some reason everything felt so bittersweet... Hah I wanna visit again with everyone..

Oh! And I was surprised to find Scar along with her friend Leonn, they seemed to get along well, it was kinda endearing in a sense. But Scar said after we spilt some students from a different school came and messed with Vasco for apparently no reason.

"Leonn, couldn't take it anymore when they were treating Vasco like a fool so she snapped and yelled at them" Scar narrates to us while munching on her breakfast.

"But then some other kid from that school smacked Leonn onto the floor which made Vasco's patience snap. So he locked their leader in his grip of death and then smacked him good for hurting his junior" she continues making Lucy's and my eyes light up.

"I swear to god I saw a small blush on Leonn's ears, it was so cute!"

"Hmm then does that mean Leonn's gay? Awe sweet kid is adorable" I coo Imagining the kid blush.

"What are you talking about? Leonn's a-"

"Oi, you kids have school today, don't you? Do you plan on going after school ends!?" Ms. Yeon asks as her husband stands beside her laughing at us.

"Why? What's the ti- Holy Crap we're late!!" Scar panics gobbling down her food and rushing out with her pack just like me and Lucy.

"We'll pay you later Ms. Yeon! Oh and happy anniversary to you two!" Lucy shouts as she ran out making the couple chuckle.

"Honestly those kids"

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