Two truths and a lie...💔 Part 2

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'Let's play a game!', Meh proposed with a ton of excitement after dinner. 'I am tired! Don't wanna play any of  your stupid games...', Pran decided to sit on the couch and check his phone. Meh snatched the phone from him and pleaded 'Please, guys. See... I feel so sad, Keith isn't home. I miss him... And the little one needs to be happy right? Can't you even keep me company? Poor me!'.

Sean: What is this Pran? It's just a game... Don't be a spoilsport.

Pran: Okay... fine! What game is it?

Meh: It's called 'two truths and a lie'. You know how to play it right?

Sean: Yeah, I know it.

Pran: I am not interested in playing this...

Sean: Pran c'mon now. Let's play... It will be fun.

Meh: Okay. So how about we start with you Sean? Tell us three things and we will guess the lie.

Sean: Alright! Let me think... So let's see how well you guys know me...☝️ I am scared of the dark, ✌️ I have dated
Alicia Qin and three, I don't like chocolate.

Meh: This is tough. I thought I knew everything about you. But lemme make a wild guess, I think the first one is false. The others are true since I heard a rumor that you and Alicia were together for sometime and who on earth doesn't like chocolate? So 1 it is.

Sean: Ha ha ha! What about you Pran?

Pran: You aren't scared of the dark. You like chocolate flavoured cake so 3 is out! The second one?

Sean: See my boyfriend knows me so well! Meh, how could you not guess it? I have never dated girls.

Meh: This is so wrong. You tell him every other thing... The options should have been more distinct...

Pran: You are the one who wanted to play this game... This was expected! We shouldn't play this...

Sean: No... I think it's fun! Pran, now it's your turn.

Pran: Fine.....1. So, Meh had once gifted me a book, when we were in school. I never read it and gave it to my sister.
2. I like someone else's voice as in songs more than Sean's.
3. I sometimes hate making music.

Meh: This is better. I think all of these are true. But why didn't you read that book? It was so good.

Pran: That's not possible and regarding the book...that genre isn't for me, Meh. Why did you gift it to me?

Meh: Your loss! Anyway, I think the third one.

Sean: I second that. You love making music. You can't hate it....ever.

Pran: Well you guessed it right! Congratulations. Now, can we leave?

Meh: No. It's my turn.

Sean: Yeah, Meh! Tell us...

Meh: So... First, Pran doesn't love you and he never will. He loves someone else.

Pran: Meh, what the hell!

Sean: Let her complete what she is saying.

Meh: Yeah, Pran. Have some patience. Second, Pran is not happy with you and he can't stop pretending.

Pran: Enough of all this! Shut the fuck up Meh!

Meh: Relax, Pran! Why are you yelling? It's just a game. Your reactions are gonna make things obvious. It won't be fun right?

Sean: Meh, what's the third one?

Meh: The third one? Very simple! Pat is still madly in love with Pran and Pran loves him too...

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