1. Amelie/Percy

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"Amelie, Amelie"

I startled out of my thoughts.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You're practically drooling at the sight of him, what's so interesting about guys?"
"I don't drool at all," I replied, wiping my mouth anyway to be on the safe side. I could think about him for hours.
His tousled black hair with the gray streak in it and his beautiful sea green eyes. Not forgetting his character, he was popular, cracking jokes in class and still friendly to even the biggest bitches around here who always wanted to go out with him.
"Amelie, your thoughts are with him again, aren't you? Listen to me, this project makes up 45 percent of our grade." Sophie's eyes stared at me reproachfully. But what could I do, whenever he was near I couldn't help but stare.
"Sorry Soph, let's get started" I rolled my eyes. It was physics, my worst subject and at the same time my most hated subject and I would do anything not to have to do it.

I was lucky.
Less than two minutes later, the school bell rang.
"Well, Soph. See you later" I grinned and got up from our table.
"Then let's meet at Aunt Dee's tomorrow and start there, okay?"
"If you really want to, see you tomorrow Sophie"
"Goodbye Amelie"

On to Greek, did I only choose this subject because of Percy Jackson?
Yes I had.
I mean, I've always wanted to learn Greek, but Percy Jackson made that decision a lot easier, except when I spent my afternoon at school and not off like Sophie and Yas.

Greek was great, Percy sat diagonally in front of me and answered every question perfectly, after all it was his best subject.
As it was just before the start of the winter holidays there were many projects and of course our Greek teacher had to be one of the teachers as well who loved making the students as much work as possible. Group work in three teams, we should do a small play. With my luck I was in a group with Percy. Don't get me wrong, I would love it, but I also wouldn't get a sentence out, grinning stupidly the whole time and absolutely excited. And worst of all, I would stare at him the whole time and he would notice.

Mrs. Minerva had already started reading the names.
Oh god, I hope she hadn't read me.
"Amelie, Jacob and Perseus"
Oh god, of course I got lucky again.

After Mrs. Minerva had read all the names and explained the scenes we had to play, we were to go to our group. With a sigh, I packed my things and made my way to Percy and Jakob.

"Hi" I said shyly, my hands shaking badly and I bit my lip.
I eye Jacob, I had never noticed him because I was so distracted by Percy, he was also friends with Percy, he had light brown hair and blue eyes a little lighter than my own.
Percy looked as good as ever, he grinned at me and said hi back, as did Jacob.

"The naming of Athens" was written in large letters on the worksheet that Mrs. Minerva had placed on the table for us. "Have fun," she said.
"But thank you too, why Athens, if we couldn't have had Atlantis or something like that," Percy complained quietly.
"Be glad we don't have Orgyia, there's almost nothing to it and at least Athens really does exist" Jacob said and Percy started to laugh.
"Αν ξέρατε"
"Man, why are you so good at Greek?"
"It doesn't matter," Percy said, waving it off. "Let's get started, I'm going to meet up with someone tonight" "With Annabeth?" Jacob asked, elbowing him in the stomach. I didn't want to, but I felt jealousy. Of course Percy had a girlfriend, he's good looking, he has a great personality. What more could you want. "Let's get started," I said with a sad, fake smile.

We agreed that I am Athena, Percy is Poseidon and Jacob is a citizen of Athens. It was funny, Percy and Jacob were joking around all the time, but I didn't feel left out with either of them and I opened up more. We had to do the scene in the next hour, so we arranged to meet up at Percy's house.

Blofis/Jackson was on the doorbell.
I rang excitedly. A woman's voice came over the intercom.
"Uhhh hello, this is Amelie, I have a project with Percy" "Hello Amelie, third floor" The door buzzed and I climbed to the third floor. Percy was already in the door. We greeted each other and I connected.
The apartment was beautiful, there were large windows and it was very comfortably furnished. A middle-aged woman was sitting on the sofa watching a little girl play. "It's Mum and Estelle '' Percy said following my gaze.
Just as I was about to ask if Jacob was already there, the doorbell rang and shortly afterwards Jacob came up. His brown hair was tousled by the wind and he grinned at us. "Just in time" he snorted.
"Hello my loves, I'm Sally, do you want something to eat, I made cookies" Percy's mother said suddenly, holding out a tin of blue cookies and ruffling Percy's hair.
Any other teenager would have been embarrassed in front of their friends but Percy just grinned, grabbed the cookies, thanked him and showed us his room.

His room was beautiful. The walls were painted blue and green. There were huge windows and a large bed with two duvets.
A large desk with sketches and blueprints stood in front of the window. It was comfortably furnished. With a look at the desk, we sat down on the bed, prepared our sheets and after a short time it looked as chaotic as on the desk.
"What I've been wondering for a long time, Percy, why are the cookies blue?" Percy grinned at Jacob.
"Why shouldn't they be blue, well it's an inside story between me and my mother." Percy's smile faltered a little, as if the memories hadn't been quite so fond.
"Haha, but they're the best cookies I've ever eaten. Let's get started," I said, trying to change the subject.

"I'd love to, and my mother is world famous for the biscuits," he laughed. "I think they're fantastic too," says Jacob. His blue eyes sparkled mischievously at mine, my stomach tickled, maybe the cookies were enchanted.
We were about to start when suddenly the doorbell rang. Percy jumped up as if stung by a tarantula and stormed out the door.
"Are we expecting anyone else?" I asked Jacob confused, but he just shrugged.
"He didn't tell me anything"

When Percy returned he had a beautiful blonde in his arms. "Guys this is Annabeth my girlfriend, wise girl this is Jacob and Amelie"
I was surprised, I thought I was more jealous, but I thought Percy and Annabeth were a perfect match.

Annabeth helped us with the project. She threw in useful tips, she too spoke perfect Greek and knew everything about the founding of Athens, after her story it sounded as if we were there, she explained it so figuratively.
Annabeth and Percy laughed around the whole time and were so cute together.

"Wow, so if that's not an A," Jacob said when they were done and I agreed. "Yes, thanks Annabeth for helping us"
I gave her a genuine smile. "It probably wouldn't be as good without you" and with a look at the clock I finally added:
"I have to go, I promised my mother I'd be home by seven"
I quickly packed up my things.
"I have to go too" Jacob said and we stood up at the same time "Oh, already, I thought you wanted to stay a little longer. Well bye Jacob" Percy gave a wry grin and raised an eyebrow.
Annabeth chuckled and Jacob blushed.

He looked really cute when he blushed.
Wait a minute, I'm thinking here...
I'm not in love with Jacob, am I? I was in love with Percy.
But Percy and Annabeth were cute together and Jacob was pretty cute too...

Percy and Annabeth said our goodbyes and Jacob and I walked down the stairs side by side in awkward silence.
"If Ms. Minerva doesn't give an A for that, I don't know
either... By the way, I think you're great at acting," he mumbles the last sentence, but I heard it anyway. "Thanks, but you're not bad either," I said and felt myself blush.

It was already dark when we stepped onto the streets of New York.
"Well then, bye Jacob. I have to go over there" I pointed to the left.
"Great, then we can walk a bit together if you want, I live there too. And I don't want you to walk around here alone at night" I looked at him in surprise at the last
moment. Jacob blushed. "Sorry, that just slipped out of my head. Of course I know that you will come home like this."

His blue eyes sparkled and his lips looked so perfect. He looked so perfect.

I leaned forward and he seemed to have the same idea because we met in the middle and our lips met. Jacob had to bend down slightly to me, I stood on tiptoe, my hands buried in his hair.

"Wow" he said as we pull apart.
He took my hand in his hand. It fit perfectly and we walked home holding hands.

I was so in love with Percy back then that I never looked at other boys. Luckily I had found Jacob.

Oh, and in Greek we actually got a smoote A, a masterpiece according to Mrs. Minerva.
It also turned out that Jacob was very good at physics and my grades got better in that subject as well.

Lesson of my life, don't waste time for a boy who shows no interest in you, but on the important things in life and the dream guy you find by the way.

"Αν ξέρατε" means something like: "If you knew"

I hope you liked it 😊

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