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I grabbed Rachel, She always comes with me, and I left to get water bottles.

There seemed to be less birds even though thats not something someone would threaten. Still unsure whats going on I grabbed the necessary life materials, Bandages, Food, Water, I had to go to a Hardware store to get more plates, I shouldn't be needing any more cups since I've got water bottles.

I made sure I had what I needed, and I did, So I sped walked back home.  Listening for any sign of humans, none.

"where is everyone? why is it so Empty."

I Messaged Phil and Tubbo again but no one responded. Why?

|Tubbo's POV|

"Phil, am I forgetting something?" I tried not to sound as worried as I was knowing I forgot something. "I know I forgot something I just can't quite put my finger on it"

"we left our phones in the church on purpose Mate dont worry." Phil was just trying to calm everyone, He wasn't being that helpful

"No, I know that theres something else though. I could've sworn something is still in that stupid city."

Phil looked at me in a disappointing look, I knew I shouldn't of called the city stupid but I did it anyways.

|Ranboo's POV|

I was super bored without anyone's company, Aimsey said they were going to come over for my alt stream, but no one was coming over anymore.

"Hi chat."


Hm maybe I shouldn't of gone live, chat is saying all this stuff about the threat. I dont feel threatened.

I ended stream at about 11pm, I was really hungry, more hungry than a homeless person. As I walk to the kitchen, Rachel starts meowing, she wants me to go to sleep already.

"Rachel, I'm not going to sleep just yet its only 11."

She didn't give a shit, oh Rachel. I reached up for a bottle of water and a can of tomato soup.

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