Im done for now (authors note)

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Uh hey guys. Sorry for not keeping my promise.

I started this book about a year or two ago, and the amount of growth I have gotten on this is genuinely insane, and I really wish there is someway I could give that kindness back to everyone reading this.But I can't. I started falling out of the danganronpa Fandom a long time ago, and I honestly forgot about this book for awhile too.

The reason I left was because of how bad everything was getting with people getting doxxed, cosplayers being bashed because of certain things (weight, race, ect.), how rude so many of the people were. Everything had gone awful, especially the people who made jokes about Kotoko and the word "gentle".

I wanted the danganronpa Fandom to be a comfort place for me but its gotten so bad that I gag at some of the things danganfans have done to other fans of the game for disliking a ship. So, out of fear of my personal info and my mental stability, I left. And I left for a long time.

I remembered thus book about a week ago and thought "hey maybe things have gotten better, maybe I can write this book again without having fear of people being disgusting". Long story short, it hadn't got better. The words "racist" and "homophobic" were being thrown everywhere and getting more people in awful circumstances.

And that's when I realized, there is no going back on this Fandom. Yes of course it has good sides, amazing sides even, but the bad things completely out shine the good. It's gotten so corrupt that most people don't even realize that some of the things there doing is wrong.

So, I'm leaving. For good. I might, and this is a heavy MIGHT, come back after a year or so, but for now, I gotta go. So consider this a almost permanent hiatus.

And lastly I want to give one last thank you and apology. The amount of support I got on this book was so much more then I thought I would get and boy was it one hell of a ride. Most importantly though, I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise and finish this book.

I might post other stories for different Fandom, so if you want to you can check them out.

Well, here's your final good bye from me on this book, see you guys, I love you. Also don't forget to take care of yourself ^^

~Cyber-chan 《Kris》

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