School... or more specifically high school. I would personally describe it in just seven words. Homework, tests, redundancy, exams, stress, anxiety and hormones.
How was the school life for Faith? It was fair for her. High school was exactly like what they showed in the movies minus the evil mean girls, at least faith never encountered one.
She was a foreigner. No matter if she was raised the same way as any other korean girl in this school... she still would always have her looks which made her out of the ordinary. She was one of the kindest people on the campus and the students knew about that, Faith had never given trouble to anyone. Faith had always been naturally shy and she had always had a soft voice. She did not like to yell so it was only if you stand close enough that you could tell what she was speaking about.
The school she went to was one of the most prestigious and reputed institutions of education in Seoul. Where You would find all of the kids of rich korean businessmen, politicians, Actors and all sort of money making people. Faith's mother earned fairly good so the fees was never the problem. However, wherever there is the rich there have to be the common. The school also had many scholarship holders... the children of commoners who had worked their brains off to get into the school.
So you see with the school being so extraordinary, the atmosphere was also different from most Korean schools. The students here were a lot more... well... let's say independent. They were allowed to date openly. They would talk back to the teachers and no one opposed. They would skip classes and not once get punished.
How was it you may ask? I would give a simple answer: Money = Power = Respect.The students could do whatever they felt like... and all they needed to do in return was just make sure the deeds don't go out to the public. After all, the school had a reputation... the authority would not allow some rich sweaty teenagers going through puberty who would turn into wild monsters when their hormones take control to ruin their Golden Name.
What about the Commoners... well they would avoid the rich like plague. They did not have the resources to fight them so they chose to ignore them. They just needed to lay low and work out a way through this school and Boom! Life's Good after that. A certificate from this school had the power to do Miracles!
Quite literallyBut, there had always been an unspoken rule among all the students:
Whatever happens at the campus, stays at the campus. Be it a relationship or a murder.
But what happens when news is spread out for the public to see through all the extravagance and elegance? Welp... Don't worry the parents have it under their control. No one outside would know a thing.
That ladies and gentlemen is KIS for you.
'Korea International School one of the oldest and the best schooling institutions in the country, with excellent facilities and equipment for both athletic and academic progress of the students. The best teachers from across the country make sure your child is in the best care. A survey claims that more than 94 percent of the graduates from the institution are leading successful lives...'
This is one of the many things you would see about the school on internet. The management makes sure that only the good goes out to the public.
There are many variations you would find in the students walking through the hallways of KIS. The nerds, the jocks, the rich, the smart, the 'I hate drama, but I start drama' kind of people and many more.
Drama. Useless drama would always find it's way to the students and they would not complain. Everybody is interested in everybody but wants to get involved with nobody. You would find boys kissing girls, girls kissing boys, girls kissing girls and boys kissing boys in every corner of the campus.
Now the question of the ages!
Are there bullies in the school? Yes there are.
What does the management and authority do about them? Not much. They would only make sure the victims don't die. Well if they want to end themselves... that is a different case... but the school won't let it be on the campus. That's a sure.
You would only meet 0.1 percent decent people who would want to be your friends. That is if you are lucky and born with seven stars shining above yourself.
To the rich kids, the school is a waste of time.
To the commoners, the rich are a waste of breath.Life here is mixed with a vicious social hierarchy of the 'cool', the 'losers' and the 'obsolete'.
The teachers are good. They need to be with the amount they are paid for their job, but that is all. A job. It a job for them. They don't go to bed thinking of ways to help their students be a little more comfortable while Learning or try to be more approachable. No. All they think about is the headache they would get once they get on campus. You would be lucky if you spot a genuine teacher - student relationship in KIS.
Now coming to the infrastructure of the school.
The campus is fully air conditioned, even the bathrooms. The floors are heat regulated. The classrooms are well lit and provide the so called 'learning environment'. There is every equipment you would ever need for your research in any field on the campus. Heck! Even The bathroom seats are heated.
There are many student lounges. There is almost every sport equipment you could think of. They also have indoor swimming pools of the size of football fields. There are a lot of extra curriculars and clubs to chose from. The campus canteen is excellent. World class chefs provide world class dishes with over 12 cuisines to chose from. Not to forget the inbuilt campus Starbucks. Yes they have it all.
A place for the privileged.
An opportunity which is drastically short for some or dangerously slow for many.
Where money talks. And money shuts.
Knowledge is the least priority for anyone.
A place where the successful and popular and equally poor collide.
Where no one matters but every person has his own set of matters to struggle with.
Where money flows like water. The sixth sense which makes one enjoy the rest of the five better.
KIS. Korea International School. Where-
There is talent but it's tainted.There is love but selfish.
There are friends but fake.
There is peace but unsettling.
There is hope but little.
There is happiness- or is there?
That is a story for another time.What is in abundance is Cash, Credit and Cards.
So, dear readers
Would you like to enroll?
Welcome to KIS!!
The Faith They Held | A Bts Stepbrothers FF
FanfictionYOU. ME. US! Seven lives intertwined, Seven journeys collided, One sanctuary to call home; Faith. "Oh faith, where were you... One more minute without your update and i would have razed the city to the ground!" 𝑮𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒍𝒆𝒔 "Who the hell you thin...