All Started With a Sentance

932 13 8

Mostly angst, fluff, a bit of jegulus, major character death

Tw: war, abuse, hopelessness, obviously death later 

An: the memories are not in chronological order, just whatever regulus gets reminded of. If it's confusing, please let me know!



"Hey reg!"

I turned to see my brother

James laughed softly. Sirius shoved him.

I rolled my eyes at the both of them. " you just said you had an essay due tomorrow."

"Yeah yeah, Remus will help with that. For now, let's eat."

I stuffed my face with food, not caring that the two, now three as Remus joined the table, could see me. James and Sirius were messier then I could ever possibly be.

I felt more at home then at our house. Rosier walked up to the tables and I paused. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He sat beside me

"He's my brother. I'm just sitting with my family."

He smiled. "I dont want to be like my family anymore."

"Me either." I said thinking of my parents.

Suddenly all of my few friends were there. Despite it being the griffindor table, there was a bunch of slytherins and somehow we were getting along-


I opened my eyes to my dark green curtains and sighed. But then smiled a little to myself. My first good dream in a long long time. I missed my brother so much. Not that I'd ever tell him. Or talk to him again. I sobered at that thought and got up for the day.

I nodded to my friends as I sat down. I took a little bit too long getting ready. I resisted the urge to look at the griffindor table. It's not like anyone I knew say there. All of My brother's year had graduated. I knew no other griffindors, other then by name.

Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I was as brave as my brother. On the other hand, I wondered what would've happened if the previous heir to the black legacy followed said legacy. Or if I didn't have a brother.

At 10 years old I was.. persuaded into knowing that slytherin was my only choice. I blacked out my memory of the hat's choice, but I suspect it immediately placed me in slytherin. If it didn't, I was to fill my head of every slytherin-esque thought I could think of until it made me a slytherin. No other choice.

At 12, I was a slytherin. Surrounded by supposedly like minded individuals. I stopped wondering what other houses where like once I realized that my future was set.

Which was at 13 years old. That was the year that Sirius Orion black, also known as my brother, was offered a spot in the Dark lords army. Now, he was offered that because if he were to accept, it would be easier for the members to.. convince him to change his morals. Of course, it wasn't a choice. But my stupid griffendor brother said no.

Sixteen years old. That's when my life ended. And the age I become a Death Eater. Of course, in my innermost thoughts, I thought the make was stupid.

I'm now 17 years old, and miserable. My.. Sirius Orion Black the third stopped being my brother that day. The day I turned 16. How I could I, a death eater, a follower of the dark lord, ever be connected to someone like him? I still thought of him as my brother. I guess some habits are hard to let go of.

Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now