Essay Writing

315 9 2

tw: upcoming death, war, abuse, implied death of random characters, murder


He must've put the notebook in my trunk at some point. I did see him last summer. Maybe a temporary invisibility spell. Or maybe I just didn't notice.

Still, it was perfect. No one would think anything serious was written in there.

Since I had extra time before anyone else would wake, I started an essay on what I already knew about what wizards could do to make themselves immortal and lints to those powers. My knowledge included things like unicorn blood and spells to increase health.

This was so I would be able to cross reference it to after I've learned more information so I knew what was learned by using methods against school rules.

I only got maybe 8 paragraphs in when one of my roommates got up. I would have to finish this later.

This project was a side one. It wasn't my main priority, though it was what I wanted to do the most.

I was forced to do all of my work when alone. I attempted to a little reading with a simple spell to change the cover, but I was too anxious and gave up on that plan.

I did do a few paragraphs in the presence of others. If I was caught, all of it was information that was learnt in class or easily attained.

Still, it took me a week to finish the pre-project essay.

My reading was slower than my writing. I was able to finish writing that essay without finding anything new on the topic of immortality.

I did find out a few little things about dark magic, but it was likely not going to be useful.

Another letter from my father.

Dearest regulus,

I expect a response on the topic of your emotion on the matter of the previous heir to the house of Black. If you have not included it in your weekly letter, I expect you will add it, or write an additional letter.

It is important that you move on. You must not show mercy to the enemy.

Your mother gives her love.

Your father,

Orion Regulus Black

Of course, what my father meant by 'gives her love' was pretty much that they both expected a lot from me.


"Reggie!" Sirius barged into my room and flopped on my bed.

"Hello, Sirius." I responded

"How often does mother express her 'great care and concern' for you?" His air quotations were greatly exaggerated.

"Not as often as you, I'm sure, but often."

"Hmm, why do they do that? Who are they pretending for?"

"Mm, maybe practice?"

"Regulus.. why do you?"

"Why do I say I care when I really mean that whoever I'm talking to is doing something wrong?"

He looked out my window. "No, I mean why do you act differently than you feel?"

"Why do you mean?"

"You care about me, right?"


My mind was a constant fight between thinking of or working on schoolwork, wondering about the dark lord, and remembering.

So, it was bound to happen. It rarely happens. I zoned out in the middle of class. I was attempting to calculate how much unicorn blood it would take for it to stop working.

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