5 | Bath Time

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Blinding golden light hit her eyes and she begrudgingly pulled up the thin covers to try and block the light out. Curse Caduceus and him keeping the blinds open at night. Finally, she threw back her covers and slowly climbed out of bed. Shaking her messy locks and untangling it from the nubs of her horns, she pulled her hair into half-attempted ponytail and began to change from her nightgown to her normal clothing.

As she began to try and shrug off sleep, her eyes landed on a beautifully metallic piece of craftsmanship that she spent days on. A bolt of energy shot through her and she rushed to shove her boots on, practically stumbling as she grabbed the arm and her coin purse. Sprinting out of the room and down the stairs, her eyes latching onto the colourful table of her companions (minus Fjord) and heading over.

"Molly!" Mika called out.

The tiefling turned around, "What is it Little Horns?"

"It's finished!" Mika said with a bright smile on her face as she held out the arm for him to inspect.

The rest of the table admired the gleaming silver arm, twisting around itself to look a bit like Mika's staff.

"I got it to match your piercings and made it look like my staff since you liked the tree-like nature of the temporary one." Mika explained, as she swiped her hand to make the temporary one disappear. "You ready to put it on?"

"Of course. It's simple right, with you already having put the connector plate on?" Molly said, gesturing to the grooved metal plate infused with his skin that Mika had put on him a couple days prior.

"Yeah. It'll take some getting used to, but you'll be able to take it off whenever you want." Mika said, taking a seat next to him as she began to match up the 'joints' together. "It's got an enchantment on it so the metal won't melt or rust, so you can take it in the water with you."

"Well that's even better." Molly grinned.

"You can thank Cad, he got me the enchantments for that while he was out as a surprise." Mika said. "This might hurt a little."

With one hand on his bicep and the other on the arm, she pushed them together, and a loud 'click' rang out as they locked into place.

Removing her hands, she eagerly looked up at him. "Try it out! How does it feel?"

Molly slowly lifted his arm up, admiring how it worked, slowly, he moved his fingers, which moved uncannily like a humanoids. He gave Mika a toothy grin, before ruffling their head.

"Thank you love, this is amazing!"

"You're welcome."

"You know what we should do because you've got your arm back?" Jester said, leaning over the table closer to Molly. "A bath day! Mika needs to get her hair sorted out and baths are always great!"

"I can agree to that. Caduceus, Mika, are you both up to a spa day?" Beau said, looking at the two newbies.

"Sure? Are we going to a bathhouse or....?" Mika asked, hands clasped around the mug of tea Caduceus handed her.

"Of course silly, where else would we go?" Jester beamed, before downing the rest of her milk.

"Food first, the little rascal needs to eat breakfast." Caduceus smiled.

"I'm fine... we can go."

"No, you need to eat."

"But Cad-"



Mika found herself dragged by Jester through the halls of the bathhouse, pointedly ignored by Molly despite her attempts to get help from him. For Mika and Nott's sake, they got a private room and arranged to have an extra thick bubble bath.

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