Are you sure you want to take the risk? (Chapter four)

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(This chapter also takes place in the Dream SMP)

As the time traveler went out of his portal he then began to write his usual experience of his time travelling, he then proceeded to write everything that was very important to him in his life most importantly he does not want to forget about Sapnap.

But it seems like he forgot the other one which was Quackity.

He then signed the book making it permanent he can't change it now, as he was done writing he went out of his basement and went to go where Sapnap is located, but then he saw something in the chat.

<Tubbo>: Has anyone seen Tommy?

<Technoblade>: Nahh 

<Captainpuffy>: Nope sorry.

<Technoblade>: Why are you even looking for the child? he is probably doing his own thing lol.

<Tubbo>: Well tommy seems to be missing.. It's been 3 hours and he is not in his home.

<Technoblade>: ehh his probably fineeeee.

<Hannahxrose>: How about you ask Ghostboo?

<Tubbo>: I did and all he said a random ruby just fell out of the sky and he gave it to Tommy and then poof! disappeared.

As Karl read the messages his eyes began to wide open and in a panic he went back to his basement.

'Tommy is missing?!' Karl thought to himself and then proceeded to call XD, "XD!! I need your help!" Karl shouted in his basement that's when the god himself has appeared "What is your problem Karl?" XD asked the time traveler.

Karl explained the situation, "I never heard of a color changing ruby before..." XD responded with a tone not even Karl can't even comprehend it " Tommy actually missing?" Karl asked XD.

"Well let's see..." XD responded then began to observe the server and it's state "Huh? this strange.." XD said with a confused look on his face.

"Tommy's presence is not here anymore.." XD responded then he proceeded to summon a floating tab and rewind the time back where Tommy didn't disappear in the tab.

XD saw Ghostboo in the tab talking to Tommy and showing him the color changing ruby that Karl was talking about, as Ghostboo gave Tommy the ruby Tommy accepted the gift then they began to chat.

As Ghostboo goes away Tommy made a bracelet out of the color changing ruby then began to sleep, XD thought this seems normal  but then he saw a rainbow glow outside of his house then he dissapeard.

XD was speechless for the first time but then decided to review the situation again, "I see.." XD mumbled that's when Karl perked up his head "So you figured out where tommy went?" Karl asked the god.

"No." XD responded "But it seems like.." XD winded his eyes in realization, "Karl remember how i taught you about timelines and au's?" XD asked him.

"Yes, I know about then especially the Butterfly reign au and the vigilante aus" Karl rambled about the au's "Okay enough of that." XD said and then Karl went silent, "It seems like Tommy has travelled into another timeline.." The god responded.

"Well what timeline is he in?" Karl asked "Well the timeline he is in seems like its not from any of the aus because if he were in one of the timelines or au's i would feel his presence." The god responded.

That's when XD thought of something "Karl have you heard of fandoms?" XD asked Karl and he shook his head.

The god explained to the time traveler what fandoms are..

"So what your saying is that Tommy might be in one of this so called fandoms?" Karl asked XD, "That's right." The god responded, "Well how do we figure out where Tommy is in these fandoms?" He asked XD.

"Well remember the color changing ruby that Tubbo mentioned in the chat box?" XD asked Karl noded in response "Well it seems like we a item similar to this ruby." XD said and then proceeded to pop out a hairpin.

"A hairpin?" Karl asked in confusion "This hair pin is very special it contains enough magic for you to cross these fandoms.." XD simply explained and Karl's eyes wide open. 

"But! you can use this hairpin only once Karl so if your already in the fandom where Tommy is you'll have to find a way to get back to this universe." XD explained "Are you sure you want to take this risk?" The god asked.

Karl then thought for a moment then noded.

"I will gladly take this risk without Tommy the server will be in chaos so I will take the risk" Karl said with a confirming tone "Well then i wish you the best of luck." XD then began to give Karl the hairpin.

Karl then took the hairpin out of XD's hands then wore it on his brown hair "Take me to where Tommy is Hairpin!" Karl exclaimed then the hairpin began to shine into a gold like color, then there was a flash of white and the Time traveler already disappeared out of thin air.

"I wish you the best of luck Karl Jacobs." XD mumbled then disappeared  


























Karl then appeared in this snowy place then he began to search for Tommy as he was walking forward he saw a sign, he began to read the sign 'Snowdin village' Karl then went forward and saw a bunch of houses.

"This looks cool" Karl mumbled then noticed there were a bunch of people running away from the village, 'Why are they running?' Karl thought then began to hide behind one of the trees.

That' s when he saw Tommy who seems to trap in a net trap and three skeletons who look very different in front of him with weapons. 

'There going to kill Tommy!' Karl said in his thoughts and was about to approach the skeletons but then saw a blue arrow coming their way. 

He then looked at where the arrow came from that's when he saw a skeleton wearing gold clothes and with a crown to top it all of he was holding a bow and arrow.


This is going to be risky. 

Guess some fandoms CROSSED the Universe []DSMP X Undertale au[]Where stories live. Discover now