Chapter 10

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The startled trainer opened his eyes that he didn't realize were closed to see...

A child?

There was a small girl who looked to be around the age of 3 with dirty blonde pigtails and blue teary eyes down on the ground.

An immediate wave of guilt crashed over Ash:

The little girl started sobbing. Ash rushed over to the girl to check on her.

"Hey are you alright? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you, you startled me!"

Suddenly, realization washed over him. They were still in an attacked building!

"Hey-hey-hey pumpkin? Can I call you that? Right now we are in a dangerous place with bad people. I'm going to need you to make as little noise as possible so that they don't find us and hurt you, okay? I promise I'll buy you a treat when this is finished."

Ash picked up the girl in his arms and she started calming down understanding a bit of the gravity of this situation.

Ash ran as quietly as he could to catch up with his group who were waiting for him at the end of the hallway.

"Let's go." He said when he rejoined the group.

They successfully reached the emergency exit without being spotted. There were a few close calls but they made it.

One by one, they got out of the hospital into a tight and fairly long alleyway that was connected to the main street but they were on the other side of the alleyway. They speed walked on the path in an nervous silence.

When they reached the halfway mark, two people jumped them in a rather weird outfit with a huge ass R on it.

"Where do you kids think you are going? One with dark hair said, smirking. "Go Nidoking!" He released.

The other, a girl with blond hair, released a Venomoth.

"We have no choice but to fight don't we." Daisy muttered as she sent out her Blastoise, her sisters following suit.

"Leave this to us!" She exclaimed.

Now there were three Blastoise, a Nidoking and a Venomoth.

"Nidoking get in there and take out the Blastoise." The man commanded.

"Venomoth support from the sky" the woman commanded.

"Blastoise Hydro cannon!" All three of the sensational sisters exclaimed.

A second after the attacks were fired, it created a massive shockwave from the pressure of the attack which pushed all of them back a few feet and made them soaking wet. Ash held the small girl as the shockwave passed. If he didn't she would've probably been blown away.

When he could finally open his eyes he realized that the people who attacked them weren't anywhere in sight. But the Venomoth was taken out.

Blastoise!~ Lily's Blastoise screamed in pain as the Nidoking stabbed his eyes with his poisonous horn.

Just then a feminine scream was heard. Ash turned to see the dark-haired man attacking the throat of Violet.

She fell unconscious while her sisters screamed in shock and horror. They rushed over. He and Gary started at each other, not knowing what to do.

That was big a mistake. Because in doing so, they didn't pay attention to their surroundings. As Ash looked down to hopefully comfort the toddler in his arms, his eyes widened. She wasn't there.

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