Pt 3: The Big Fight

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This will get a bit violent and there are mild panic attacks so I'm just giving y'all a fair warning.

Whitley's Pov: No no no no no. I'm going to start crying again. "Taylor what the hell are you doing here." Paige says through gritted teeth. "I'm delivering your pizza, what else?" She responds. " If there wasn't another reason you wouldn't be here right now. "  " Well I guess there is. I just wanted to tell you both that nobody loves you and you don't deserve to exist." I walked over to Paige with the courage I didn't even know I had, and kissed her. " Proves you wrong you whack motherfucker." She cringed. "Can you just give us our fucking pizza, and we'll give you your money so we can get on with life?" Paige asks "Hmm let me think about that one... no. I am going to get my payback on you. And your stupid little girlfriend over there who can go kill herself for all I care. Whitley, you are not and never will be good enough for Paige." Paige looked like she was about to kill somebody, and I felt like crying. "She's right. I don't deserve you and you are too good for me." I say. I know that Taylor is right and that Paige is too good for me. "Whitley Marie Oltman. You listen to me right now. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I love you too much for you to leave me here all alone without anybody to love in this way. Whitley I love you so much. What would I do without anyone to call darling? What would I do without another person to help me deal with the adult children? What would I do without you?" I stood there. We both had tears in our eyes. I lunged at her and engulfed her in a hug. She kissed my forehead. We stayed there for a bit before Taylor opened her dumbass mouth again. "You know Paige is lying to you right? She doesn't actually love you. She's lying to you like your parents." Now it's my turn." How fucking DARE you compare Paige to my parents. Paige would never do something like that to me and you KNOW it. I LOVE HER AND SHE LOVES ME. I HAVE BECOME JUST A LITTLE TINY BIT MORE CONFIDENT WITH MYSELF AND ITS ALL. BECAUSE. OF. HER." My voice is getting shakier by the second. "THE ONLY REASON THAT YOU ARE PISSED AT US IS BECAUSE YOU HAVE NEVER FELT LOVE BEFORE. YOU SHIW FUCKING HATRED TOWARDS EVERYONE AND ITS STUPID." I'm crying while yelling at her. She still has that evil look on her face when I break down crying on the floor for the second time today. Why me? I hate my life

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