Chapter 2

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"Isla, I NEED you to drop out of the Warrior Program," he pleaded with me, hazel eyes fixed on my dark brown ones. I had gone stiff, not a word said since he first told me to drop out. 

"WHAT?!?" I exclaim, finally. Both the Galliards were close to me. He knew I needed Honorary Marleyan Status. My father was sent to Paradise, for being an Eldian restorationist. My mother took her life when she found out. I've been trying to atone for his crimes by becoming a warrior. What would happen to me if I didn't? What the hell?

"SHHHHH!" he covered my mouth with his hand so as not to attract the attention of the others. I can hear Reiner and Porco still arguing. "I need you to listen, please."

"Marcel, I don't have a choice, I must become a warrior," why would he even bring up such a thing? I didn't have a choice. I'd been living with my sick grandmother, I need the security of being an Honorary Marleyan. She was all I had and I would likely be on my own in a few years. I couldn't imagine what would happen to me a young orphaned female Eldian. My throat began to choke up. " know that, why would you tell me to drop out? Do you know what they would do to me out there?"

"Look Isla, I promise you will be taken care of, please...please listen to me." I could see tears beginning in his eyes. 


"Look, I care about you and Porco. I want you both to be safe, I want you both to live long lives. We all know that I am guaranteed the Jaw, the brass want me to lead the Paradis operation. I will be an honorary Marleyan and I promise, I will take care of you and Porco."

"And Porco? He's going to be getting the Armored! What are you talking about?" I ask. Why would he say it like that? We all know that Marcel is all but guaranteed the Jaw and Porco the Armored.

"I can't say too much but please I need you to listen to me, please drop out." 

So I did.


"Isla, oh goodness what are you doing up so early? Please let me take care of that for you. An expecting mother should be getting her rest," my mother-in-law said as she took a towel out of my hands. 

"Good morning. I just thought I'd get a start on some laundry. I was so excited to see Porco today that I couldn't sleep. Well, that, and our little Pock wouldn't let me," I said rubbing my belly. She smiled at me.

"Oh to be young and in love! Especially with a baby on the way. Makes me think back to when my husband and I were your age... well we hadn't even met yet. You two are so young..." It's true. Porco and I were just 20 years old; we married not long after he inherited the Jaw. He wanted to secure honorary Marleyan status for me in honor of his brother. 

Little girls dream of their weddings, finding true love, and having children. Most girls go on dates with boys. When I was 11 I dreamt of dating Marcel. When I'm a teenager, I will be grown and cool enough to go out with him. I used to think to myself. I imagined us going on dates by the Liberio River, both of us Warriors, we would have the same amount of time together, and it would have been perfect. I was so naive

"...and then we had our two boys. I will never forget that pregnancy glow! My hair has never looked so good!" she continued as I snapped back into our conversation. "You, my daughter-in-law truly glow a mother expecting a boy." She placed her hand on my face and the other on my belly.

"You think?" I asked. The midwives told me the same thing but I was not sure if it was all an old wives' tale that women pregnant with boys glow more than those with girls. Oh, how I wished my grandmother was there to give some of her advice or some insight on her or my mother's pregnancies.

"Oof!" I winced at another kick. 

"Maybe he'll become a warrior one day, just like his father," Mrs. Galliard laughed.


"Are you sure you want to come with us to the gate? You can stay here and wait for us to return with Porco?" My father-in-law asked as he pulls his jacket on, Mrs. Galliard sliding her red armband onto her sleeve. Throughout the morning I developed some serious nausea. Not sure if it's morning sickness or nerves of excitement to see Porco again. Either way, I was feeling a bit ill.

"No, no I'm sure!" I said as I slid on my own red armband. Being an honorary Marleyan was still so foreign to me. Despite the fact that I spent so many years of my life fighting for it, it somehow felt wrong.

We walked over to the gates with all the other families of warriors and Eldian soldiers. Eager to see all of our loved ones return. It was a sunny yet still cool morning. The excited chattering of the people around me competed with the early birds' chirping. Some of these people haven't seen their children in years. Porco hasn't seen me since I first started showing, I'm huge now! 

"Oh, Isla! Look at you! When are you due?" exclaimed Karina Braun a smile stretched across her face and her hands clasped in front of her face in excitement. Reiner was the only warrior to return from the Paradis Island Operation, he proved to be a valuable asset to the military,  giving precious insight into the devils of Paradis as well as returning the Jaw. My heart sinks at the thought. 


Karina had every right to be a proud mother but every time I saw her face I couldn't help but think of him. I waited 5 years for any kind of update on my friends. My grandmother died and the Galliard's took me in. So many months, seasons, and birthdays came and went in those 5 years and so much changed in me and Poroc. Both physically and emotionally. I will never forget the day that Zeke and Pieck went to recover our lost warriors. 

When they returned with Reiner and some girl.

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