Chapter 6

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The next day I woke up to an empty bed, Porco must have left already for tea with Zeke and the other warriors. The Mideast mission is over, why does Zeke need him already? Our baby is nearly due, and I would like to spend some time with Porco before he's sent off on another mission, I already know that he will not be here to see our child grow up, I want him to be here for as much of their childhood as possible...

Isla, how dare you? How dare I think this way, how could I be so selfish? It is his duty as a Warrior to support Marley by any means necessary. I wasn't even supposed to be having a child, how dare I be so selfish-

Knock, knock.

"Good morning Isla, I've brought you some breakfast," said Mrs. Galliard as she walked into the room with a tray in her hands. A midwife walks in with her.

"Oh, you didn't have to do this for me," I say as she places the tray on my lap. Eggs, porridge, and some steaming tea. "Thank you."

"The baby is due any day now and I can tell you've been losing weight, I'm sure you have been stressed with your husband away. I am recommending bedrest until the baby is born," says the midwife. Marley has assigned multiple midwives to me. Given that the Galliards are such effective Jaw titans, I'm sure they're hoping that our child could become one. This midwife is my harshest one, not as warm but very knowledgeable. 

"Recommending or ordering?" I ask as I spoon some of the porridge and lift it to my mouth.

She grunts as her eyes narrow to me. I can tell she's not entirely fond of the fact that she has to help me, an Eldian, deliver a baby. I'm sure most Marleyans just want us to stop procreating altogether. Nevertheless, she had been ordered to give me the best care possible.

"Isla, this is not a joke. You have become weaker and the baby is going to be here any day now--" starts Mrs. Galliard.

"It could be today, tomorrow, or a week from now. Either way, you could go into labor at any moment and we need to ensure that you are doing your best to ensure a healthy delivery," the midwife leans to look at me closer.

"You look pale. Mrs. Galliard, make sure she is eating enough red meat," she says before turning on her heel.

"Y-yes, of course," says Mrs. Galliard. She looks over at me. Her eyes warm. She placed her hand on top of one of mine. "Please make sure to relax ad eat, you must stay strong for the baby." Her eyes fall to my belly and she smiles.

"Grice beat Braun in a footrace today," said Porco. We all sat at the dinner table. Porco spooned some stew into his mouth. I know, I'm supposed to be in bed but honestly, I think eating dinner with the family won't hurt me or the baby.

"That boy is trying to prove himself to the Brass isn't he?" said Mr. Galliard as he pat his son on the back. 

"Gabi is top of their class, there's no way he will surpass her but he does have a newfound spirit!" said Porco. "Let's hope he makes a good drinking partner when he gets older, his brother really can't handle his liquor," he laughs.

"You don't think he has a chance of inheriting the Armored?" I asked. Porco had filled me in on the antics of the candidates.

"Gabi has better grades and physical ability, she's an excellent candidate for the Armored. It also doesn't hurt that her cousin is the current holder of the Armored. Still, it is impressive to see him work so hard, no one else has ever beaten Braun in a footrace before." says Porco. 

"What fine young warriors to help us in our fight against those island devils," says Mrs. Galliard as she starts to clear our plates. "We could only hope that the new addition will do the same!" She smiles and pats my belly.

"Oh yes, my son will grow up to be a strong warrior just like his dad and his uncle," says Porco. The energy in the room shifts. My heart sinks at the mention of Marcel. The Galliards don't talk about it too much. Ever since Porco inherited the Jaw we've been celebrating him. I guess as a distraction from thoroughly grieving Marcel. 

"I miss him," I say. My eyes look down at my belly. Who knows, if he made it back, maybe this would have been his baby, not Porco's.

"We all miss him, but it was that devil that took him from us before his time. We should just be glad that we got Reiner back," says Mr. Galliard as he helps himself up from the table. "Porco, you should help your bride back to bed. All this emotion isn't good for her or the baby."

"Yes, yes," Porco sets his hand down on the table to push himself up, "We should probably turn in early tonight. The fair is tomorrow and I need to be able to keep up with the candidates." Porco gives me his arm to hold onto and helps me up. I hook mine under his forearm and I feel his muscle clench as he holds himself stable. Even though he his leather jacket he always wears, I can feel his strong muscles underneath, despite being at home and resting, he is still keeping himself in shape.

"Thank you, my love," I say as I stand up. Something you aren't warned about enough about the later stage of pregnancy is how much your belly just gets in the way of things, you have to adjust everything about the way that you move to accommodate for it.

We make our way back upstairs to our bedroom where Porco helps me undress, the stairs had proven to be quite a challenge and by the time we were upstairs, I was exhausted. He stood in front of me as I sat on the bed before him. He reached down and with his strong yet gentle fingers found his way under my shirt and helped me lift it over my head, taking care not to pull my hair with it. He then helped me stand up so he could take off my skirt. He pulled it down to the floor and I used his shoulders to stabilize myself as I stepped out of it. As he started to stand up, he was at eye level with my bare belly, he pressed his lips to me. "I can't wait to meet you," he whispers to the side of my tummy. "And you," he stands up completely and places his large hands on both sides of my face, and lifts them so I am looking directly into his hazel eyes. "You are incredible." He plants his lips on mine. A comforting warmth rushes over me, a feeling I haven't been able to enjoy in a while. Porco can be immature, and arrogant, but he is really sweet behind the tough guy act.

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