Chapter 7

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The next day I woke up to Porco excitedly hopping out of bed and rushing to the window. 

"Isla look! It's the fair!" he exclaims. An almost childish excitement sparkling in his eyes. I couldn't help but smile at how happy he is.

"Oh nice," I say sleepily. I push my arm into our mattress to sit myself up and I am instantly nauseous. I reach for the bucket next to the bed and Porco, sensing my discomfort grabs it, and hands it to me as I throw up into it. "I think I have to take it easy today," I say.

"That's okay, that's what the midwives said anyway, right?" he gives me a cup of water. "Besides, I have to go to the fair with the other warriors, I'll be sure to have one of the candidates bring something to the house for you." He gives me a mischievous grin. 

"Oh that would be perfect," I say. I'm excited to see what foreign treats they have at this fair. Everyone has been talking about it for the past few weeks. "I know the bakery I used to work at is sharing their kitchen with me. something called a Pizzeria."

"What's that?" he asks. 

"I have no clue. But please do go and have fun!" 

My lower back began to ache about an hour or so after Porco left for the day. Nothing different from the usual lower back and abdomen aches I've had throughout my pregnancy but these were a bit more pronounced. I decided to read a book and do some mending to distract myself. Pains like this are normal and the midwife did warn me that false labor was more common with bed rest.

I called Mrs. Galliard into the room around sunset when the pain was getting worst and my usual stretches weren't helping. Over the next few hours, I felt tightness in my lower abdomen and I could see her face light up.

"Isla I think you're in labor!" she exclaimed. "I must call the midwife!" She sent Mr. Galliard to go get her. It was evening now and Porco was certainly heading over to the town square for Lord Tybur's showcase. He, as a warrior is required to attend. I don't want to pull him back from his duties unless we are certain. The pain was getting intense. 

"Hello Isla," said the midwife, "Your Mother-in-law says that she believes you are in labor, you said your aches began this morning and have been persistent?" 

"Y-yes," I said, at this point, the hot ache in my lower body was affecting my ability to breathe in deeply. 

"Okay please lie back and let me see if you are dilated," she ordered. I complied. I felt her fingers slide in to inspect my cervix and her face looked puzzled and then relieved. "It looks like a false labor Mrs. Galliard. I did warn that this was more common with bed rest. We should get you up and walking a bit, that will help with the pain. The contractions have been irregular correct?"

"Yes, is everything alright?" I ask. 

"Yes, this is fairly normal. Maybe you should try timing the contractions if this happens again," she says, a slight hint of annoyance in her voice. Her eyes like daggers looking down on me. She crosses my room to clean her fingers in the washing basin. She then walks to Mrs. Galliard who is standing in front of the bedroom door. "Please let me know if this happens again and help her count her contractions." 

"Of course, thank you. I will see you out," starts Mrs. Galliard.

"No need, you should make her some tea and stay with Isla," says the Midwife, not making eye contact with Mrs. Galliard as she makes her way to the stairs. 

"Isla dear! I'm starting on that tea!" calls Mrs. Galliard from the kitchen downstairs. Tea does sound nice now. I paced around my room for a few minutes while Mrs. Galliard prepared a kettle and I could feel the pain begin to dull. The house was quiet. Mr. Galliard was likely sitting on the sofa reading a book. I could hear some loud cheering from the show in the city square. The Tiburs must have invested a lot into the theatrics I heard roars and quite a bit of commotion. Porco must be having a great time. He loves those kinds of shows. Loud, action-packed, busy.

BOOM! ROOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!  The whole house shook violently for at least a full minute. A framed photograph of Porco and me on our wedding day fell from the wall and the glass shattered. the pitcher of water on the dresser across from our bed tipped and poured water all over the floor and I could hear Mrs. Galliard scream from downstairs. 

I heard a symphony of screams just outside my window and saw a bright red light begin to pour into my room. It looked bloody. I heard loud fast footsteps climb the stairs. Mr. Galliard was standing at my door, panting. "Isla! Something is happening," he says, genuine fear in his eyes. I'll help you. He quickly runs around to my side of the bed and helps me to my feet. As I stand, I see a dark figure fly past my window. 

"What the hell was that?" I ask. Another flies past. They're so fast, I cannot make out the silhouettes. "Was that...was that a person?"

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