Chapter Five

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(George's POV).
I looked at him then turned away. What should I say. Should I just say i don't know or give me some time. "Okay". I replied. God why would I reply with okay and I'm dumb or something. "So do you accept my apology or...?". He asked. I ran to him and gave him a hug. "Why would you make me think this!". I said. He hugged me back and kissed me on the forehead. "I'm sorry". He said. He lifted my chin and smiled.

"Can I kiss you?". He asked. I smiled and shook my head yes. He pulled me into a kiss then pulled away. "See how it feels!. Dosnt feel good does it!?." He said jokingly. "Kiss me or leave this house!". I said. He then walked to my door and slowly opened it. "Wait are you serious!?. After everything your just going to leave!". I yelled. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss. "Sorry". He said. "Lock the door". I said quietly. He looked at me and smiled. "What did you say I couldn't hear you?". He said flirty with me. "I said lock the door asshole!". I said. He slowly walked over to the door and locked it. "Soo what now?." He asked.

"I don't know what do you want to do?". I asked. He looked at me and smirked. "Sleep!". He said. I knew he wasn't thinking that but I mean he looked a little tired. "It's a queen size bed so I think we can both fit in the bed". I said. He layed on my bed and smiled. "Memory foam nice!". He said. I walked over and smiled at him. "You wanna cuddle?". He asked. I tried not to make as much eye contact but I know I loved cuddling with people. He then draged me on the bed and got on top of me. "Yes? no? maybe so?. Use your words?". He said. "I don't know I'm still a little mad at you". I said. He got up and walked to the door then unlocked it.

"Where are you going?". I asked. He didn't respond and closed the door. Now he's not getting any attention expecially from me. I waited and waited till he came back and noticed he was gone. I walked out of my room and looked around. "Where's clay?". I asked. She looked at me then looked away. "He went somewhere I don't know where". She said. I walked to the couch then sat down waiting for him to come back. I hear the door open and immediately walked to the door. It was clay with a pillow and and two blankets. "Why where you Ignoring me!?". I said waiting for a response. He just walked passed me and walked into my room. I rushed to my room and looked at him. "What's your deal!?". I asked. He then again ignored me and but a blanket down. He then placed the pillow down and covered himself with the other blanket.

"Could you turn off the light?". He asked. I stud there looking at him pissed off why he wasn't answering me. "No!". I said. He got up and turned off the light.  Again ignored me. He layed down and went to sleep. "Dick!". I said. I closed the door and went to my bed. I stared at the roof knowing I couldn't go to sleep. I then turned tords clay and smiled. "Why do you keep on ignoring me?". I said. I then Hurd his phone rang and he then got up. He picked up the phone. "Yeah okay whatever!". He said. "And what if I'm fucking a guy you can't do anything about it!". He said. "Oh you need proof like what a record message??". He asked. He then started laughing and looked tords me. "Yeah yeah sure I'll not fuck a guy bye!!". He said as he hung up the phone.

"Who was that?". I asked. He didn't respond and plugged his phone back in the charger. "It's kinda rude to ignore your boyfriend like that!". I said. He looked at me and laughed. "Who said we where dating?". He said. "Really so first of all your not cuddling with me and now we're not dating after we just had a full make out session!?". I said. He then turned away from me. "I told you to use your words and your not using them so it makes me confused on what you want". He said. "What I want is you to stop ignoring me and cuddle me!". I said.

"Looks see if you use your words it's better for me to understand what you want". He said. He got into my bed and wrapped his arms around me. "Anything else princess?". He said. I looked at him and smiled. "You to be my boyfriend. I said. He looked away from me and fell asleep. Really!?. I know he's not asleep. I told him what I wanted and now he just went to sleep!?. Are you serious!?. "Wake up I know your not asleep!". I said shaking Clay. I tried and tried to wake him up but I just couldn't. I eventually went to sleep but I didn't get anything I wanted No cuddling, No boyfriend, No kissing. What's next!?.

*Next day*
(At school bc I'm lazy^.^)(George's POV)
I walked to my first class and didn't feel the best. I don't know what it was. It wasn't my stomach or something in my head. I just felt off. I kept on falling asleep in all my classes. I didn't know why because I wasn't sleepy. The bell then rang for lunch so I decided to go. I sat there waiting for clay but instead he went to another table. That's fine!. I'm not going to be controlling. I started eating and thinking to myself. There's a way he could be using me but I might not know. I stared over at clay and saw him leave with this other girl. Who is she!?.

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