Chapter six

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I stared over at clay and saw him leave with this other girl. Who is she!?. I followed clay and saw him getting pin against the wall by the girl. What the fuck!?. He's not even fighting back or anything. "Kiss me pretty boy~". She said. I saw him look away. Right he's bisexual that means he still likes girls. Clay licks his lips and kisses her. I looked away and tried to cover my tears while sliding down against the wall. I ran to the bathroom then started having a mental breakdown.

* 2 hours later*
I skipped all my classes and headed home. I took out my phone and then my mom called me. "Hello"(G). "Oh hey clays coming over after school so wait for him in the front of the school"(M). I hung up the phone and walked to the front of the school. I waited and waited. Till I saw him pull up. "Sorry it took so long". He said with a smile. I hopped in and rested my arm on the side looking out the window. "So the thing you said last night I thought about it". He said reaching over tords my chin. "George Davidson will you be my boyfriend!?". He said smiling at me. I looked at him in shock. "Really!?. I know you kissed a girl today I saw it with my own two eyes!". I said not responding to clays question. He looked at me and laughed. "She forced it George if I didn't do it I would be the bad guy in the school". He said.

I looked away from him trying not to look at him. That's the least I can do. "George answer my question please". He said trying to make me talk. "I know my mom would want us to date so I guess it's a yes." I said. He lifted up my chin and kissed me then pulled away. He smiled at me. "I love you". He said. I looked at me surprised. Even my family never told me they love me. "I love you to...". I said bitting the inside of my cheek. "You act like you've never heard that before?". He said. I looked away and tried not to look at him again. "Really George not even your family has said that to you?". He asked. I shook my head yes and almost let out a tear. "Hey it's okay um I'll talk to your parents about it". He said trying to cheer me up. "No it's fine they could care less". I said. We sat there in silence till we hit my house. "Okay. We're here.". He said getting out of the car.

I walked into the house and confetti went everywhere. "W-what is this?. I said shocked. My mom ran to me and gave me a hug. "I can't believe you guys are finally together!!!". She said in joy. I smiled then ran to my room. Did he text her!?. Why does she know already!?. I didn't want her to just find out like this!. I layed in my bed overthinking. Right now overthinking was like my best friend. I have no clue why. I hear the door open and truned away from it. "are you okay?.". Clay said. I then remember clay gave me airpods so I reached for them. As soon as I can touch my airpods Clay grabs my arm and pulls it tords him. "Why are you ignoring me?. He said pulling me tords him again. He puts my arms together and pins me against the wall. "Why are you ignoring me!?.". He said pissed off. I looked away from him and continued to ignore him. "that's it!". He said lifting up my chin.

I tried to pull away but his grip was to tight. "I'm going to ask you darling one more time and if you don't answer there will be consequences!.". He said gripping on to me tighter. What's the worst that can happen!?. Not like he's going to kill me?. I continued to ignore him and he smiled. Why is he smiling!?. He pulled into a kiss that quickly went to a make out session. He then slid his hand in my shirt. "Are you going to continue to ignore me?. He said sucking on my neck. I shook my head no then let out a little moan. He laughed then moved his hand down.

He then unzipped my pants and smirked. "Remember this is your punishment". He said sliding his hand in my boxers. I wimper out of injoyment. "Do you like that?". He asked. I shook my head yes and he began to stroke my dick. "I need an answer?". He said stroking my dick even harder. "Y-yes". I said letting out a little moan. I then realized my mom and dad are still here. I don't want them to hear us. "C-clay w-wait". I said breathing for air. "Yes?". He said.

"Can you ask my mom and dad to leave I don't want them to hear us". I said. He looked at me and smiled. He then go up and opened the door. "Mam im about to bang your son so could you please leave the house". He said. "Oh yeah sure. We'll be back at 3 okay!". My mom said. "Yeah that will be fine thank you". He said. I hurd my parents get ready to leave then Hurd clay walking down the hallway. *Slam*.

Welp my mom and dad are gone now that's on of my worries I no longer have to worry about. Clay opened the door and ran to me. He slammed me against the wall and leaned in for a kiss. He then pulled away and smiled."Do you have any kinks?". He asked. I looked at him and looked away. "Yeah hair pulling kink, praise kink, and I kinda have a pain kink". I said getting red. He smiled and pulled my hair. "So you like this!?". He asked as he unzipped his pants.

I shook my head yes as he pulled his dick out. "Let's see if your good at this or not". He said pulling my hair tords his dick. "Be a good boy and use that pretty mouth of yours~". He said flirting. I opened my mouth and slowly inserted his dick into my mouth. I sucked up and down as far as I can go without choking. He then grabbed my hair and pushed he's dick in my mouth. "Ahh shit don't swollow that!". He said opening my mouth.

I quickly swolloed it. Holy shit that tastes good. He looked at me in disbelief. "I gave you a simple tasks and you fuck it up!". He said throwing me on the bed. He took off my boxers and threw them on the floor. He then ripped my shirt and smiled. "Your going to regret swollowing that". He said. He then pulled into a kiss and looked at his dick. He gently put a finger in my asshole then moved it up and down.

I opened my mouth in the amount of pain I was in. "I-it hurts". I said. "Relax". He said inserting two fingers in. "AhH!". I yelled. He began to move them up and down. I moaned in pleasure. "What a good boy~". He said inserting three fingers in. "Ouch!". I said. He then started moving his fingers and it and then pain stopped. He began to move his fingers faster and faster then I moaned in pleasure. "F-fuck". I said letting out a moan.

He pulled out his fingers and looked at me. "I'm going to put it in okay?". He said. I shook my head yes letting him know I'm ready or so I thought. He gently pushed some of it in and I started crying. "I-it hurts soo b-bad!". I said crying because of the pain. He then puts more in and all I can feel is pain. "TAKE IT OUT. PLEASE!". I yelled in pain. "Shh relax". He said while going in deeper. He looked at me and stopped. "Fuck damnit when your like this it doesn't feel right!". He said wiping my tears off of my face. He then got up and left the room.

What was that all about?. What does he mean by it doesn't feel right?. I pushed myself off of my bed and instantly fell. Shit. I crawled to the door and opened it. "Hello!?". I said trying to get someone to help me. I then heard running along the hallway. It was Clay. He picked me up and took me to my bed. "I'm sorry I thought you were ready and-". He said before I interrupted. "Do it!". I yelled. He looked at me in shock. "W-what!?". He said looking at me. "Do it". I said spreading my legs out. "I'll relax I'll try not to cry I promise". I said trying to get him to change his mind.

"Fuck-". He said while looking down. "Well you asked for it!". He said putting it back in. I instantly felt pain and griped on to the bed sheets. I quickly covered my eyes and held my tears in. I waited till everything was done but it felt like forever. I then passed out not knowing what happened after.

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