Chapter 2 • The NYM

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My leg couldn't stop bouncing.

I had my sweaty hands clasped tightly in my lap, an attentive and painfully nervous smile planted on my face. Julian Astor, the chief editor and life of the NYM, was sitting in front of me behind his dark mahogany desk, not even batting me an eye as he flipped through my resume. I had to look like a freak right now. I just couldn't stop looking at him. This man has been my idol from the day I began to write for my high school's mediocre newspaper. I've never been more terrified and absolutely in awe in my entire life.

"Ally showed me some of your work." My heart stopped. He had read my writing. "I've got to admit..." In only a second my mind had raced through five hundred different scenarios that could play out right now. My favorite one being him applauding me for my work and adorning me with a new and permanent job. "It's not much." The corner of my lips fell slightly, but I didn't allow anything more than that.

It's not like I expected him to like my writing. I mean, he is the Julian Astor. His standards are high for a reason.

"But, I want to see what you can do here." My eyes perked up. "Chicago's an entirely different vibe from New York. It was a very, very, long shot to bring you out. It takes a certain person to be able to write about the things that go on here. It's a fast paced city, not everyone can keep up."

Okay, I understand that Chicago and New York are both unique in their own ways, but that doesn't mean that I can't hold my own. Sure, there's a few coke heads lying around, but those are in Chicago too.

"You're lucky for having a friend like Ally." Julian's eyes finally met mine and my mind almost went numb. "Not every person is able to get an opportunity like this one."

"I understand." I finally spoke, my leg bouncing faster. "And I promise I'll take this chance on with everything I've got."

"I like your enthusiasm." His mouth curled up ever so slightly. Then a thick folder was plopped down in front me, making me flinch. "This is your assignment."

My eyes had went wide and I had to take a deep breath before I could respond, "Okay..."

"Everything you'll need is going to be in there and I expect you to get even more." It was hitting me like a huge wave at just how much pressure was being placed onto my shoulders right now. "You're following up on the up-shoot of recent gang activity. Now, this isn't like some low-level gang bangers. It's something bigger, we just don't know what yet. That's what I want you to find out. I want who's behind it, who's helping them, the police involvement. I want everything."

"I understand." It was like those were the only two words that I could form in my mouth. I mean what else could I say? "Thank you."

Ally told me not to ask questions. Julian doesn't like them, apparently. She told me to ask her instead, so that's what I did. I quietly hustled out of the room with the folder tucked tight in my arms, not taking a breath until the glass door closed behind me. I didn't waste a second before I went to find Ally. I passed by the gourmet coffee cart and box of chocolate croissants, not even taking a second look.

Okay. Maybe I did take a second look, but that was it.

Ally was sitting at her desk, fingers typing away ferociously at her laptop that I swear had smoke coming from its sides. I dropped the heavy folder right in front of her, her typing coming to an abrupt stop. "This is too much pressure." I grabbed one of the rolling chairs from an abandoned desk and flopped back into it, hand running through my beach wave hair.

"Jesus." Her eyes went wide as she stared down at the folder, "You're so lucky! Julian never gives us this many details before hand."

"Ally," I sighed, leaning forward. "I really don't think I can do this."

Her eyebrow cocked upward as she turned her head to face me. "Mila?"

"Yeah?" My eyes met hers.

"Do me a favor and shut up." My lips snapped shut with a small nod of my head. "It's okay to be nervous. I've worked here for a few years now and I still get the jitters every time I get a new assignment." Ally spoke, "You have an entire month to build up a solid case, don't stress yourself out, okay?"

"Too late for that." I leaned my face into my hand, my arm propped up against her desk.

"Once again, shut up." Ally swiveled in her chair so she was now completely facing me. She grabbed my hands in hers and gave them a light squeeze, staring me dead in the eyes. "If you keep thinking like you're going to fail then guess what, you will. Take a deep breath, pull your big girl panties on, and chill out."

My face twisted up, "Did you just say panties?..."

"You're so immature, oh my Lord..." Ally rolled her eyes. "You need to distract yourself for the day. The hotel your staying in is pretty fancy, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded, "It's 'The King's Hotel'."

"Ooh!" She squealed, "Even better! They have an amazing spa and an even better bar. Go get those pores unclogged and then take a couple shooters. Don't even touch this—" Ally let go of my hands, held up the case, and then placed it in my lap. "—until tomorrow morning, you hear me?"

My lips went into a thin line, "Ally..." I looked down to the folder. "I just touched it..."

"Oh, don't be a smart ass." She pushed me away from her, my chair rolling a few feet as I laughed. "Now, go to the hotel and get settled in. Tomorrow I'll help you sort through everything."

I stood up from the chair, the folder tucked neatly in my hands with my purse over my shoulder. "Alright, I'm going." Just before I was about to leave, I stopped my self and turned back around. "You do know that I'm not going to listen to a thing you just said, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

love y'all and please remember to vote and comment!! <3

word count: 1079

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