Chapter 5 • From One Caruso to the Next

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I had a chocolate croissant sitting in my hand, the folder tucked in my lap, and my legs crossed over one another. Ally was sitting in front of me at her desk, in one hand was a cup of black coffee and with the other she was scrolling through web articles on her computer. I had came into the office at seven this morning. My mind just couldn't stop racing. In Chicago, I covered crime scenes all the time, from shootings to robberies it would be my name under the headlines, but this was different.

The hotel I had been staying at was owned by the same man who also owned the warehouse, at least that's what the police suspect. The connections between Dante Caruso and the raid were loose, but still strong enough to hold their ground. Part of me was exhilarated, but also scared out of my mind. I had a lead, one that the best journalists could only dream of. I was lucky enough to find myself in the middle of the action and yet here I was, worrying about what could happen if I mess up.

"What'd you say the guy's last name was again?" I hadn't heard Ally the first time she spoke. "Mila?" My head snapped up, "What was the man's last name that owned the hotel?"

"Oh," I shook my head slightly, trying to push away my incessant thoughts. "Caruso. C-A-R-U-S-O."

"I swear I've heard that name before somewhere. I just can't remember. Alright," Ally drew out, typing away on her keyboard. "Dante Caruso. Oh." She said and my eyebrows furrowed. "Oh."

My body perked itself up from its leaned back position, my eyebrows in a knot. "What? What is it?" Ally didn't answer tho. Her mouth stayed parted open as she stared blankly at the screen. When she still hadn't answered me after a few seconds, I pulled myself and the chair next to her, looking at the screen for myself.

On the screen was a plethora of clickbait magazines titled with cheesy headlines, some more respectable newspapers with less cheesy headlines, and then one article that stood out the most to me.

'The Fall and Rise of the Mob World: From One Caruso to the Next'

"The fall and rise of the mob world?" My eyebrows raised, intrigued by the savvy title. "Click on it, Ally."

She did so and the tabloid filled the screen. We both skimmed over the piece, alternating as we read the piece allowed.

"The recent death of Stefano Caruso is shock to the world of crime." I started.

Ally continued, "With being one of the most influential mobsters of all time, the Caruso name has earned it's rightful place in the crime hall of fame." She broke away from the article, now facing me. "I knew I recognized this name! I can't believe I forgot! The Caruso's are a prevalent mob family that have business across the world. They pretty much run the mafia. Stefano Caruso was the Don of his crime syndicate, but two months ago was shot by a rival gang. Dante Caruso must be his son, and the newly appointed Don."

"Holy shit..." I sighed out, my breath getting heavier and faster by the second. "So, let me get this straight." I let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm staying in a hotel owned by of one of the most dangerous mobs of all time?..." I had a smile on my face, but not one of joy, one of sheer fear.

Ally sucked in her bottom lip as she looked at my uneasy face, her eyes showing uncertainty. "Let's just keep reading, okay? Just because the hotel is owned by the Caruso's doesn't mean you aren't safe there. For all we know they could have little to affiliation to it except for the name of the deed."

"Yeah," I breathed out, "Yeah, you're right." I was trying so hard to calm down. "Keep scrolling."

This time we both skimmed in silence. The article was short. It didn't seem to give much detail on the family's whereabouts, except that they were stationed in New York City. Overall, the article focused more on Stefano than his son. I don't think Dante was given more than a three sentence paragraph explaining who he was.

His father was the star of the piece. It explained all his past "accomplishments", as the writer put it. I scoffed when I read how the author praised Stefano for his work, they seemed like an obsessive wanna-be fan. It was disgusting. Those who lives like the Caruso's are awful people; they harm the innocent and prey on the weak. As crude as it is to say, Stefano deserved to die. People like him should be given zero remorse.

Ally clicked out of the tab, then going back to scroll through the other articles. Her chin was resting in her hand as she said, "Let's look at some pictures, we don't even have a mental image of who you're investigating yet."

She clicked onto images and it took a second for them all to load, but when they did the air flew from my lungs and my mouth hung wide. "What the fuck..." I mumbled, just loud enough for Ally to hear.

I stole the computer from her hands, putting it in front of me instead as I scrolled, my eyes wide. "Hey!" Ally exclaimed, "What's wrong?"

"No..." I laughed in complete and utter disbelief. "This can't be possible."

There was no way. Absolutely no fucking way.

I've seen this face before. I've seen this dark hair and sharp jawline. I've seen the stern black eyes that could pierce a soul and the tattoos peaking from under the man's shirt.

"Mila?" Ally snapped her fingers in my face, trying her hardest to get my attention. "Can you stop scrolling for one second and tell me what's wrong?"

"I know this man." I let out after holding my breath for so long. I finally pried my eyes from the screen and placed them on Ally. "This is the man from Chicago."

"Wait, what are you saying?" Her eyebrow raised.

"Ally, I fucked this guy."

please remember to vote and comment mwah <3

word count: 1048

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