Chapter 4 • God's Plan

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I told Ally everything that happened. All the details from how the two of us met to seeing him in the bar. She was upset I didn't know his name. She wanted to search him up and see if he was a rich billionaire that owned his own private island. It'd make sense if he were. The hotel we spent the night in and that fact that he's staying here as well gives some credit to that idea.

"Did you just say this was a coincidence?!"Ally squealed through the phone, me pulling it away from my ear. "Mila, this is fate!"

"Fate?" I deadpanned, "You can't be serious."

"Oh, I totally am." I could hear the bustling of a busy street from the microphone, cars honking and bad radio music coming from the taxi she was in. "Put on something scandalous and get your ass back down to the bar. This is God's plan, y'know."

"Sure." I leaned back into the bed, crossing my feet over one another. "I totally bet it was God's plan for me to hook up with a random stranger. I know he's all for that type of stuff."

"I'm just trying to help you, Mil." A car door slammed shut, and for a moment the noise in the background got louder before Ally entered a building and it dimmed once again. "What if he's your soulmate? You won't know unless you sleep with him again."

"There's no way in hell I'm doing that." I scoffed, rolling my eyes and placing a hand behind my head. "Number one, that'd be embarrassing and awkward. Number two, he seems like an asshole."

"A hot one though, right?"

"Yes, but still."

"Hold on." She paused, "I thought you said that the two of you hardly talked. How would you know if he's an asshole or not? Please, tell you me it's not another one of your feel-"

"I just have that feeling, y'know?" I could almost hear Ally roll her eyes through the phone. "Plus, when I saw him at the bar he was yelling at this guy, and then started yelling even more at someone on the phone. His entire vibe screams 'douche bag with anger issues'."

"Maybe you could be the one to calm him down, though?"

"I'm going to hang up on you, I swear."

"Don't hate me for trying to get you laid." Ally laughed as I listened to her fall back onto her couch with a sigh. "So, did you start analyzing every little piece of information on your article yet?"

"No, I didn't." I replied matter-of-fact, "I told you I'd wait and go over it with you tomorrow." I paused and my eyes connected with the folder still laying on my comforter. "But..."

"But, what?" Ally asked, her voice knowing where this was going.

"I swear, it's like calling my name." I grabbed the folder and placed it in my lap. "Looking through it isn't going to make me anymore stressed out then I already am."

"Mila..." Ally sighed.

"Ally?" My eyebrow raised.

"Did you stop taking your meds again? Honey, the folder can't speak and it doesn't know your name. Are the voices back?..."

"Oh, shut up." I rolled my eyes and I could hear Ally stifle a laugh. "I don't care anymore. Screw waiting. It's just making me feel even more pressured."

"I knew you wouldn't last long." She chided.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I scoffed.

"You said it yourself." Ally sighed once more, "You weren't going to listen to a word I said."

"I gave you a heads up. Be grateful."

She laughed, "So, tell me what's your case about?"

"Julian told me that I was following up on some gang activity. He said it's more than just some low-level stuff, but how bad could it be?"

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