Chapter 4: The Confusion Continues

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After the scary event yesterday, even Kunikida of all people was hesitating to come into work the next day (shocking, right?). He felt that he couldn't in good conscience skip work for what may seem like a trivial reason, but at the same time, he was genuinely terrified over his incident with Yosano and didn't look forward to facing her again lest she try to give him a checkup again. That and he was still confused about his feelings. What if that continued on today? What if he found himself not annoyed at Dazai again?

After at least half an hour of debating with himself, Kunikida finally made the (potentially wrong) decision to go to work anyway. In the end, his ideals won out. He knew he'd probably regret this later, though.

But as per usual, Kunikida was the first one there so he didn't have anything to worry about. Not yet, at least. He decided he'd try to get some of that paperwork from yesterday done. It should be easier to do so since Dazai wasn't there to distract him...

Speak of the devil.

Right then, Dazai crashed into the room.

Kunikida sighed. So much for doing paperwork.

Upon further inspection, Dazai looked like he was high.

"Dazai, did you eat a mushroom again?" Kunikida asked.

"Of course not. Who does something like that...?" Dazai replied.

Yeah, he definitely ate one, Kunikida decided. "You've got to stop doing that."

"But I'm trrrrryyyyiiiinnnggg toooo diiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee," Dazai whined.

"Exactly. You need to stop," Kunikida repeated.

"But why?" Dazai protested.

"I've said this before, I don't want you to die," Kunikida reminded him.

Dazai was hit with that confusing feeling again. He'd heard a few times that someone didn't want him dead, but why did it feel so different coming from Kunikida? Was it just cause he wasn't used to hearing Kunikida say stuff like that? Or was it something else?

"Don't die," Kunikida commanded.

"Fine..." Dazai reluctantly agreed.

Kunikida smiled. "Good."

Did he! Who is he and what has he done with Kunikida? Oh no...does he have amnesia again? I guess now I see why Yosano wanted to give him a checkup. This is really concerning, after all, Dazai thought.

And as luck would have it, Yosano was the next person to enter the room.

Kunikida paled at the sight of her and leaped under his desk, hoping against hope that she wouldn't find him.

Yosano looked around. "Where's Kunikida?"

Dazai shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't seen him."

Dazai... Kunikida thought.

"Odd, he's usually the first one here," Yosano commented.

"For real," Dazai agreed.

He's a good liar...not that that's a good thing. Well...maybe it is in this case, Kunikida thought, remaining under his desk.

Yosano looked around. "Kunikida?"

Just hearing Yosano say his name scared Kunikida even more.

"Sorry doc, but I don't think he's here," Dazai fibbed.

"I could maybe believe him being late, but since when does Kunikida skip work?" Yosano asked, looking at Dazai doubtfully.

Oh no, is she on to me? Dazai wondered anxiously. "Erm...since he decided to take my advice and start taking more days off. Honestly, the guy's really overworked."

Opposites Do Attract (a Dazai x Kunikida fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now