Prelude ⎯⎯ Taking The Leap

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     Amanza was sure she'd knocked Nate out pretty hard before, but never as hard as she'd now seen him.  But she imagined she didn't stand much of a chance against a hundred pounds of metal plus added weight from gravity slamming into him.  But then again... she was sure she'd never let herself be hit by a car falling from an airplane.

     When he finally woke, he immediately started screaming.  It was hard not to, seeing as he was only hanging on by account of his foot being tangled in the straps containing the large shipments from the airplane.  When he reached forward though to try to untie himself, his foot slipped through and he did multiple backflips backward, grasping onto the cargo to keep himself from flying completely by himself down to earth as the containers were still connected to the airplane.

     And as much as Amanza wanted to watch him fall, she knew she just couldn't let him go.  She quickly crawled to her knees, her long hair thankfully pulled back into a ponytail, or else it would surely be whipping in her face with all the wind.  She grabbed onto the straps of the cargo and tried to maintain her balance as she crawled on top of them towards Nate, thankfully wearing fingerless gloves so as not to cut her hands on anything sharp.  "Nate!" she risked her own secrecy by yelling out, realizing one of Braddock's men was right behind the brunet.

     Nate shook his head in disbelief, managing to look her in the eye.  "No!"

     God, he was so stupid, why was he yelling?  "No, behind you!" Amanza yelled out, now that the man was fully aware of their presence.  With his right hand, he grabbed at Nate's ankle and when Nate whipped his body around, the man tried to stab him with a pocket knife.  "No!"

     After a little bit of struggling between the two boys, and some weird grunting, Nate finally gained some sense and kicked the other guy with his free leg, literally smashing his boot onto his face.  "Oh my God..."

     Amanza grunted as she climbed further down the floating cargo which rocked in chaos with the wind from the turbulence.  "Jump up!" she yelled to the boy.  "This way, Nate!  Grab my hand!"


     She tilted her head but she wasn't surprised.  "Nathan, come on!"


     "I'm not going to let you fall!"

     He thought about it for a second before reluctantly reaching for her hand, releasing a tense groan as he crouched forward and clutched onto the girl's hand tightly.  Amanza was sure she'd never held onto anything so tightly before in her life.

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