Chapter 4

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's been a very long while but it's good to be back! Words can't express how sorry I am for not updating this story. I haven't been able to update this story last year because I was so busy with my studies, especially since I was graduating. I am going to enter a new chapter in my life and excited for the future. I'm excited to be able to put up a new chapter for you all to read and I really hope you enjoy it. Thank you guys!

So without further ado,

here's FILWTM Chapter 4! :)


L:"Favorite color?"

A:"Obviously blue."

A:"Favorite movie?"

L:"Fast and Furious."

L:"Favorite food?"


L:"Favorite movie?"

A:"The Notebook."

"How many flings have you had in the past? Including Keira?" I asked him although I already know the answer to that. I just wanted to see what his reaction would be like and maybe push his buttons. Just a little bit.

"Four." He said stoically.

"Liar! It's five! Tsk. You think you can fool me?" I playfully stuck my tongue out to him.

"Fine. Five." He said the number with gritted teeth as if he was spitting poison out of his mouth.

We have been asking each other random questions and it was fun seeing how easily riled up he can be and how his mood can quickly change.

"Why-" But before I could finish my question, I was interrupted.

"Don't forget the rules, babe." I clenched my teeth and he chuckled softly, as if he knew what I was thinking. "It's my turn to ask you. Did you ever have a boyfriend or a fling?"

"Luke, you know the answer to that. And it's never going to happen. Ever. Soo, what do you want to ask me?" I asked him, hoping to avoid the topic.

Thankfully, he didn't press the matter. Instead, he told me "Last question princess, am I handsome?"

I was actually speechless for once yet I managed to regain my composure and answered him quickly before he realized that I was at loss for words.

"Pfft! What made you think of that? I got to go. A girl's gonna need her beauty rest. Night!"

"Beauty rest? Don't think so. Night, princess and remember you owe me an answer."

And before I could reply, he ended the call. That jerk. He had the nerve to end the call first. Oh well. Boys will be boys. Guess you can't change that. I picked a photo that somehow landed on the floor and blinked back tears that were threatening to fall when I saw that the picture was one I had with my mom. We were both smiling and sticking our tongues out, looking so happy. I let out a long yawn and I just realized that it was way past my sleeping time. Daamn, i would need to make up my lack of sleep this weekend or I would end up looking like a zombie the next week. Ooh la la, I felt sleep calling out to me. And before i knew it, I closed my eyes as I embraced the darkness.

All I saw was white light, streaming everywhere and I heard voice that seemed to come from everywhere. As my eyes adjusted to the light, i saw my mom sitting on a bench.


"Mom? Is it you?"

"Yes it's me Anna. Now come here. I miss you so much."

I didn't wait any longer and I ran over to her, hugging her tightly and not wanting to let go because I was scared of losing her

I woke up, sweating and panting that you would think I've just finished running a marathon. Frankly, i would never become used to the dreams with her in it. It would always start out pleasantly and end with me suddenly waking up, sometimes with tears. I just don't understand why such a tragic thing happened to her when she was such a good person, both on the inside and the outside.

"Stop, just stop thinking about it. There's nothing you can do to change the past and instead of grieving, use her as an inspiration and motivation to become a better person."

An inner voice said and i realized that everything it said was right. I'm sure my mom wouldn't want to see me in this state.

Brushing these thoughts aside, I got out of bed and freshened myself up as quickly as possible. I went down the stairs 2 steps at a time and packed some fruits in a container which would serve as my breakfast, seeing that I would be late for class if I would eat at home. I'm QUICK at eating. Note the sarcasm. Kidding aside, I didn't want to be late for class today because I have an upcoming report which was due on the first period.

I texted Ahlia and told her that I was coming to pick her up. Upon steeping in my car, I noticed that she was holding 2 steaming Starbucks cups. She handed my drink over and I breathe in the scent, knowing that she got me my favorite drink, pumpkin spice latte. Yes, yes. I know what you're thinking. It's so cliched that I would like the same drink as many people but what do I have to say, it's really really good and my secret guilty pleasure. Shh. Anyways, tmi. Mental note to myself: Return the many favors I owed her. BIG TIME. The road to school was unusually quiet and I knew that something wasn't right but I decided not to ask her any questions, knowing she would tell me the issue sooner or later.

As I reached the parking lot, I realized that someone had already parked in my usual spot. Wait. Wasn't it too early for someone most especially someone with a new car she had never seen before park in the school's lot? Most especially her parking space? Yeah, I know my car isn't the best compared to other cars here but still, everyone knew that it is my parking spot over there! So why..

"Earth to Anna? You're gonna have to park somewhere. You can't just stay in the middle of the road."

Grudgingly, I went to look for other spots that were available and luckily, there was one nearby. After stepping out of my car and gathering my belongings, me and Ahlia went over to my "former" parking spot where a brand new, blue sports car was. It had a dark tint but I could make out a shadow inside andI tapped the window and wasn't prepared to behold the sight that emerged.


Yay! I'm back chicas!

Missed you all!

Till next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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