Symbiote changes Gwen Stacy

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     Gwen stood in the middle of a strange room. Cool air cooled her naked body, but she was not cold. She did not understand where she was, how and why she was here.

"Where I am?" - the girl repeatedly wondered.

     She looked around her. All walls, ceiling and even the floor were dark in color. There were no doors or windows to be seen. It was impossible to tell if the walls were close to her or very far away.

"Am I out of existence? What is this place?"

     Suddenly Gwen heard a noise behind her. Turning around, she saw nothing. Then the noise was repeated again behind her, but again there was no one there. Several more times the noise was repeated around her, but she could not see anyone.

- Who are you? Show yourself!

     Behind her, she heard a growl, a very close growl. Turning abruptly, Gwen saw something strange. A strange figure in a black robe. Judging by the outline of the body, this figure was a woman who was dressed in a strange black suit with some kind of white symbol on her chest. Instead of her fingers, she had claws, and instead of eyes, strange teardrop-shaped lenses. It was something familiar to Gwen.

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- Who are you? - Gwen asked.

     Suddenly the figure fell, turning into a large number of black tentacles and curls. A black something rushed towards Gwen, grabbing her limbs and pulling her towards the bulk.

- My God, get off me! - shouted a naked girl, trying to escape.

     Tentacles and curls wrapped tightly around her limbs and began to pull Gwen towards the rest of the mass. No matter how the girl resisted, the creature was stronger than her. Pulling Gwen a sufficient distance, the creature rushed onto her body, wrapping multiple tentacles around her. Gwen tried to throw something off her, but she couldn't. It tightly wrapped around her body. Part of the creature covered the girl's mouth to stop her meaningless screams.

"Noooooooo!" - Gwen moaned, unsuccessfully pulling the creature off her body.

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Symbiote bonding with Gwen StacyWhere stories live. Discover now