• New Beginnings •

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What does the word new beginnings remind you? A bitter past? A closure to something that has been tough to handle? A new hope towards life?

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What does the word new beginnings remind you? A bitter past? A closure to something that has been tough to handle? A new hope towards life?

Well for us every new project, every comeback is a new beginning. We all have had new beginnings that might be in personal or professional life which took some time to adjust with but didn't make you regret for taking this step maybe..

Here are a few quotes based on New Beginnings:

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Here are a few quotes based on New Beginnings:

"A fresh start isn't a new place it's a new mindset"

Explanation : A fresh start isn't you with the same old mindset with your insecurities hitting in or with you not being able to say no to people or you not discovering yourself and your inner self and your inner hidden talents, It's a step towards progress and a step towards a better vision and a better future.

"Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possible can"

Explanation :  Every day you wake up to see a new day, a new beginning to achieve something you want to and one more step towards your passion don't let the overthinking brain and the obstructive feelings to let you down. Rise and Shine⭐✨

"Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now"

Explanation :  If you keep on waiting for the right time to start something new and make new resolutions into your life, you'll be waiting for the right time all your life. Take a call on things and live your dreams. The right time isn't something that would come as you wait, it is the moment when you decided to mark a new beginning.


Realize that if a door closed, it’s because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you"

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