• World Environmental Day •

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Hello everyone, we are back with another update

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Hello everyone, we are back with another update. Indeed very excited to present you the update for today!

Here are a few amazing poems from the team.

By hiddenpearl21

It reminds me about the activities which I did in school and College..

Sometimes with force, sometimes with fear, sometimes with care and love I used to do planting trees etc like swachh bharat..

But is that really an environment we need..

We never care about a person who dies even if it is happening in front of our eyes we don't call an ambulance . Instead, we ask some questions and take some photos or selfies for likes and shares..

We spoil everything in our surroundings to build ourselves but we never care that we are not building something instead of that we are destroying everything..

We people never care about other person feelings or opinions and will trash them..

Instead of helping we create problems in the name called selfish, prestigious, fame, money…

In our busy lives we don't have time to think about ourselves, so how can we think about the people around us…

But on particular day definitely we will do something that we care but on the very next day we don't even remember what we did because don't feel ourselves there…

Apart from this, did anyone think about the earth and nature...

To live we deforest

To build we kill

To earn we dig

But what the earth needs..

Nature is part of us.. It always try to say something about our feelings and our environment but we fail to understand because we are so depressed in our own thoughts…

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It shows me,
How beautiful the darkness is with the moon…
How important the sun rays are for life…
How beautiful the stars shine when we live with everyone…
How beautiful nature is when clouds play hide & seek…
How colorful life is when I see a rainbow in the sky…

The environment and nature both are the same. They always try to say something but it only depends on us how we take it..

Happy World Environment day..

Cool waves of the sea,
Flowing over my feet,
As if asking me,
To never forget how it feels.
Some may think,
That I try to layer it thick,
But maybe that's just how the nature speaks.

© Saumya Thapliyal Saumyathap


Like a mother softly singing you to sleep
Is how the leaves fluttering heard slow yet deep
The tree protecting from the sun creating a shade
Is like a mother's hand on your head is arranged
Cloud lying above your head moving with you
Make the beautiful sky look pretty and it's colour blue
Nature, you'll find always there by your side
Even when you've laughed, even when you've cried
© Maanvibhagat maanvibhagat

We wish everyone of you a very happy world environment day!  Not only this day let's make everyday an environment day and get close to it.
Do everything you can to protect it, spread awareness about it. If we doesn't save our mother nature, who else would?

- Teen Fix

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