• Gratitude •

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Hello to the one reading this,

Our topic for today is Showing Gratitude.

Ever thought what is this gratitude? We did and we came up with an answer.

Gratitude is a way of being thankful for everything you have and developing a positive attitude within yourself.

How to show/express gratitude?

• Write a diary/journal, each day tell the diary or journal what positive thing happened that day and to whom you are thankful for making your day better.

• Express your gratitude verbally, express your gratitude to the person in words that will bring a smile on their face too.

• Tell people what they mean to you, and how you feel.

• Say a kind word to someone, you could make their day better 🤍

• Say a kind word to someone, you could make their day better 🤍

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Here are some quotes on gratitude :

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance"

"A grateful heart is a magnet of miracles"

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were big things"

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and create vision for tomorrow"

"Always have attitude of gratitude"

"Always have attitude of gratitude"

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Let's read a poem on gratitude for the day :

Be grateful for the kindly friends that walk along your way
Be grateful for the skies of blue that smile from day to day,
Be grateful for the health you own, the work you find to do,
For round about you there are men less fortunate than you.

Be grateful for the growing trees, the roses soon to bloom,
The tenderness of kindly hearts that shared your days of gloom,
Be grateful for the morning dew, the grass beneath your feet,
The soft caresses of your babes and all their laughter sweet.

Acquire the grateful habit, learn to see how blessed you are,
How much there is to gladden life, how little life to mar!
And what if rain shall fall to-day and you with grief are sad,
Be grateful that you can recall the joys that you have had.

By Edgar Albert Guest

That's all for the day!

Practicing gratitude makes you realize all the things you have in your life and helps you build positivity within yourself. Every night before you go to sleep, just a few minutes of time will help you write a gratitude journal.

Thank you for reading!

Adios - Teen Fix

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