A Dance From A Lifetime Ago

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The beginning of the song started playing. It somehow took me back to the time where my brown eyes met yours unexpectedly. Yours were as breathtaking as the sunset with the warmth of the sun immediately embracing my whole being. Mine, as you told me that same dazzling night, stole the twinkle of a thousand stars present in the night sky.

Our gazes tried to leave each other, but they failed everytime. I felt a thread forming between the two of us. It wanted us to go near each other. We fought the feeling for these feelings would usually be followed by uncertainties and risks we were forced to take out of that growing connection between us. However, just like our gazes. We lost it. I did and, soon, you followed.

You were stunning with the mixture of blue and gold present on your clothing. I wore an apple green gown that flowed gracefully as I walked towards you. You walked to me as well, eyes never leaving me. When we got closer, I felt as if I was close to the missing melody I needed to feel complete. The music was perfect from the beginning, but it felt incomplete. Then I saw you and now we were inches away from each other. No words came out of our lips as it was not necessary anymore. It was never needed for us to know what both of us felt just by standing in front of each other.

When our hands touched each other and started this seemingly rehearsed dance, the other guests seemed to disappear. They continued to fade within the background when you locked eyes with mine and when your lips formed into a smile I knew I could never find from anyone else. From there, I knew I wanted to continue dancing with you. Your charms captivated me inside and out, but I tried not to show it although I knew I was not good at pretending.

As you twirled me around, the intensity of our emotions steadily reached its peak. We never wanted this night to end. We could hear the other guests complained about the food, the people they danced with, the music, the weather, the economy, and all those other things that never mattered to us. What mattered to us were these overwhelming feelings of being whole. It would never again in another lifetime as I would never want anybody else to dance with me but you. I was certain of it. I would reject other hands who would tried to hold mine. I would not twirl the same way I did to enthrall you completely as my dress perfectly swayed with the rhythm.

The song finished. The band started playing another music. We never wanted to let go of each other but we had to. With a forceful bow and dismayed gazes, we stepped away from each other. It did not, however, prevent us from not speaking to each other finally. We exchanged stories. I told you the hilarious life I had and you told me about the wonders of your adventures in your life. I was interested, but then again, with time being a hindrance, we had to bid each other goodbye. The night did not end without promising to save another dance for each other on the next ball.

Sure enough, the next ball arrived. We were there again. The same gazes, the same faces, and the same intensities. The song was the same too and it was the only one that accompanied our two hearts that were trembling from this uncanny familiarity we both felt at the same time. It embraced our beings that the notes were etched into our heads along with the memories of our first dance and all the dances after that. And all the dances after that.

I knew everytime I danced with you that you would continuously haunt me every night, everyday, from this lifetime to another. I would crave for your existence, for the same exact connection. I would long to touch your hand again, for you to twirl me perfectly in sync with the song we danced to everytime. I would give anything just to be present within the same ball with you once more.

I smiled, a smile of bitterness as I counted how many lifetimes had passed. I was correct. You haunted from that first night we danced together up until now that I was living in a lifetime of new advancements in technology, modernity clinging to people's lives as if it was irreversible.

Looking to my left, there was a radio continuously playing a song that was eerily similar to the song we both danced to. It oddly took me back to the first lifetime I had where we both existed, back to the time we were both present. The gazes, the faces, the dresses, the guests, the hearts, the connection, everything. They all came back to my memories that were supposed to function in line with modernity.

As the song neared its end, I stood up from my seat on the window and looked at the apple green gown preserved inside a glass container. People passed by it, admiring it as it was a remnant from the past. They would never know it was mine. They would never realize that it was from my lifetime where love would still be felt during one dance.

I walked away, the song replaying over and over my head as well as the memories I had of you, as I never thought that a time would come that when I would hear this song, I would then be dancing by myself.

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