The Three Witches

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Once upon a time, when tales were told within crafted stories and rhymes, there was a small village. It was far into the deep, dark woods and surprisingly, people there lived peacefully and happily content with the simplicity of their lives. Nobody dared to leave the village as they were all equally provided with their needs anyway. Who would not want to stay in a place that could give you everything that you needed?

The village was led by three mysterious women, all of which equally gifted with abilities. The first lady was said to be blindingly beautiful. Everybody in the village were charmed by her youth and beauty. Her long black hair had red streaks that made people be captivated by her. The way she danced gracefully whenever there was a celebration on the village quadrangle made everybody joined her in. She could grow plants, flowers, and trees of every kind in a blink of an eye. Because of her, the people in the village never ever starved.

The second lady had a marvelous passion for the arts. She painted pictures of everybody in the village and gave them their portraits with nothing in return. She also loved to weave clothing made of silk and would give whatever she made to the village people. She never ran out of materials anyway for she could ask for it anytime. She could talk to animals as well, the lot of them liked her very much. The animals were in her favor so they obeyed her orders. She was the bridge that connected the animals to the human realm.

Now, the last and third lady was a storyteller. Her stories and her books were the love of her life. Everytime she would be around, the children of the village would gather around her and made her tell stories that she crafted using the whimsical threads from her imagination. She had the wit and creativity in using words as her way of charming anyone to listen to what she was about to say. As for her abilities, she was in charge of moderating the seasons and the weather whenever she needed to. She also had the ability to foresee things that were about to come, however, as wonderful as her control of the seasons, it was a tragedy that she could never control the fate of what was to come for the was a severe punishment if she was to meddle with the sealed fate.

The third lady knew what was to come, but she kept bitterly quiet about it, letting the circumstances come as they should.

The three ladies visited the villagers every start and end of the month to see the villagers. The people would throw a fantastic feast and a pleasant celebration for the three ladies as they were very pleased at these. The first lady would dance all night while growing flowers at the same time. The second lady would paint portraits of the villagers while she ordered her animal friends to guard the whole village. The third lady would be around the fire telling her newly-made stories with the children as she kept the skies clear for the stars to appear.

Everybody lived peacefully and pleasantly in harmony with the three ladies. Nobody dared to disobey their one and only rule that they should not take whatever they do for them for granted and that they should never let anyone outside the village in. Nobody was to go in and nobody was to go out as well.

Until one fateful night came. Three young men came begging at the villagers to take them in, screaming in agony, blood dripping from the wounds and bruises they had. They were pleading for help for they claimed people were after them and they were intended to be killed. Now, this happened in time when the three ladies were in the village. The disturbance from these lads created a commotion that prompted the three ladies to know what was going on.

Upon seeing the three men limping and grunting in pain, the three ladies were moved out of pity. They ordered the villagers to fetch them with food and drinks as the three ladies tended to the wounded lads.

The first lady magically snapped her hand and out came from thin air was a leaf that could heal even the most fatal of wounds. She pressed it in one of the wounds of the first young lad and said some incantations. It healed immediately and the lad was taken aback however not moved as he was mesmerized by the first lady's gazes towards him.

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