Chapter 4

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Gathering Stefan's loved ones was a bit of a stretch, he had burned a few bridges by turning off his humanity, Klaus had really made him do a number on the folks of Mystic Falls. The easiest one by far had been Elena, and thanks to her, Bonnie and Caroline joined as well. Having four was a start but the hardest part would be reaching out to Damon. Lexi wasn't sure if she could do that directly and had opted to let Elena invite him to the meeting instead. She couldn't get the harsh vision of Damon staking her out of her head when she remembered that she would be seeing him in the flesh later today. She had to keep her cool, despite wanting a bit of vengeance she wouldn't waste Lee's sacrifice on beating the crap out of Damon Salvatore and end up at the end of a stake. She would play the forgiver for the time being, at least until the time came for that to change. Damon had his motives, that she was sure of, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't get what was coming to him one day.

The time grew nearer and she made her way back to the boarding house. Elena let her in, with a grim smile, "He's in the parlor, he agreed to come..." Lexi nodded her thanks, as she walked in, taking in the familiar surroundings that she had once spent time in with her dear friend, Stefan. God, she missed him, she couldn't bare the thought of losing Stefan to the darkness so soon after losing Lee. It was too much to bare and then she really would be alone in this world and what a waste that would be. She really would have to start completely over, alone.


It was all his fault, guilt that he hid deep down threatened to consume him but he'd never show it. He was the crazy older brother. Acting on instinct and boredom. That's what he was, that's the Damon people expected. Now he was contemplating explaining to the woman he killed how it was his fault Stefan had become the ripper, his fault that Klaus had sunken his claws into Stefan and wouldn't let go. Tyler had bit him, he had been dying, and Stefan being who he was couldn't just let Damon die. Made a deal with Klaus just to save him. Damn. Everything just seemed to be piling up. The only thing that made it worse is Elena still thought Stefan was savable and he had to keep her safe. He's lose his mind if anything had ever happened to her because of him. Surely, Lexi could fix him again right? She did it before, she could do it again. After all the first time he had begged her to fix him. Right before he went off and became what he was today. Stupid humanity... making him feels thing he didn't want to feel. He glanced up from a book he was pretending to read when Elena brought in Lexi. He wasn't dead yet, so maybe no hard feelings?


Lexi frowned at the dark haired man sitting in an arm chair pretending to read. Or maybe he actually was it was always so hard to tell with Damon. "I'd kill you if I didn't have more important matters to attend to. How could you let this happen, Damon?" She asked, waving him off before he could answer. "Elena told me everything. Messing with werewolves, are you out of your mind? Now there's a hybrid going around turning my best friend into a Ripper, turning off his humanity? I blame you for this. I blame Stefan and his martyr, woe is me conscience. This is different than last time... I can't do it alone." She said, knowing she probably looked a fool walking back and forth, ranting at the top of her lungs. "Damon, you'll have to help me this time. Are you willing to do that?" She asked. His expression was unreadable, and she held her breath while she waited on his answer. A sigh of realized came out of her and Elena who had just watched the conversation. She was sure the brunette would want in on what they were doing. She seemed the type to not be able to let it go. Damon gave a short nod in answer before saying, "You can stay in one of the guest rooms."


If you think Damon and Lexi can help bring Stefan back to his senses together, vote! -Thanks, AW.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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