CHAPTER 0: it's bruised :(

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Pained cries filled the clearing as blood spilled onto the plant life, gore emptying out of dying cats, some were toms others she-cats, but they all spilled the same color of blood. The small she-cat ran as fast as her little black paws could take her away from the large warrior, their heavy paws slamming against the dirt, a cat's body fell in front of her, but before she could react she could hear her sister Flarepaw's screams of terror, but she couldn't turn to see what she was looking at, so, of course, she hopped over the dead tom's body and continued to run. the screams of young and old warriors filled her ears.

It took her almost an hour to finally make her way deep into the unfamiliar forest, the tall trees mocked her as she quietly walked through the maze that was the forest, her paws ached for her to stop moving and let them rest but she didn't care, as long as she was far away from the battlefield, the better. She finally stopped and lay down and began to lick her wounds, they were bloody and very large considering the size of her opponents, She groaned in agony as she reached to clean the wound of her flank, it was almost as big as her entire body, and it was jagged too.

Cries could be heard from a short distance, be soon harsh thumping could be heard, the she-cat panicked 'What happens if they find me?! Will they kill me? Torture me?!' Her mind was racing with emotions, but she nearly had time to react with all of the warriors on the enemy's side bolting past her, not even a second glance. Well, except for the leader of the clan, 'Lunarstar!' She jumped to her paws and got into a fighting position, despite her inability to fight in her current state, Instead of doing the same the pale blue tom's eyes only showed pity and guilt, he only touched noses with the she-cat and jerk his head to the rest of his still alive warriors and apprentices, who had been in a fighting position since they realized their leader was looking at the small apprentice. "Please, come with us, you are in no state physically and perhaps mentally to head back to your victorious clan." "What?" The she-cat was surprised as she noticed the warriors and apprentices hanging their heads low. "It's the least we could do, besides, your wounds are pretty bad." His tail gently brushed the front of the wounds which led to the bottom of the neck.

She was hesitant at first but quickly accepted his generosity, following the larger tom who walked slowly for the weakened she-cat. After a minute or two, they soon arrived at the heart of Lushclan, "It's awfully close to the border, aren't you worried about intruders?" She turned her head to the leader as he watched the clan scramble around, going around with their lives, she could see two elders sharing tongues, and an elder publicly telling stories to the younglings. "I am," He spoke in a low sad voice, "Then why is the heart of your clan here?" "Our home is gone." he got up leaving the surprised she-cat to be 1 minute away from the leader, "What do you mean gone?!" her voice was loud and she felt stares on her pelt, but she paid no mind and continued, "What happened to your original camp?!" she followed the leader to the medicine den, herbs filled her nose making her stop in her tracks, the leader sat down next to the medicine cat, "Meet Hollytree, he is one of our medicine cats, his apprentice Fawnpaw is I believe out gathering herbs, she will hopefully be home soon." Hollytree was a large pale brown tabby, his stripes were jagged with a few scars around his neck, flank, and tail "You must be Nightpaw, correct?" Hollytree smiled softly before touching noses with the small apprentice, "That's my brother, my name is actually Solarpaw, but it's a pleasure to meet you" Solarpaw gave an awkward smile, while Hollytree widened his eyes, "Apologies ma'am, it's just you look so much like your brother that I've must have mistaken you for your brother." "Don't worry about it, I've been referred to him more than once." She hung her head low.

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