97's Stick Together

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 2014. (Continuation of last chapter)

"Jungkook-ah-" She turned to the boy closing her locker shut

"You do realize you don't need to be around me 24-7 right?"

After Minhee had her... episode last week, Jungkook made it his mission to protect her at all costs. At school, at the dorm, on tour-

"You can go hangout with your friends, it's okay-" She spoke as the school bell rung signalling their 1-Hour lunch break

"But you're my friend Minhee-ah-" He retorted causing the girl to roll her eyes

"Your other friends dummy-"

Jungkook made a confused expression before answering.       

"But they're at the dorm-" 

"Don't get smart with me kook-" Minhee deadpanned smacking his shoulder causing him to break out into laughter 

"Aish Minhee-ah!" He giggled as she began to push him down the hallway

"Okay okay!!" He rose his hands in defense

"I'll find you again soon!!" Jungkook ran off to find his high school friends

Almost instantly as soon as the boy was out of sight, her smile faded.

She found it sweet how much the members care about her well being... but quite honestly, Park Minhee was still going through it. All the glare's from other female students sending daggers towards her too... wasn't healthy.

Not at all.

Minhee continued on with her usual school day. The two maknae's were pulled out of classes a lot to due BTS' schedule, so she never really made genuine friends. 

There was a time once, when Minhee actually thought she made a friend. Her name was Ami Yamazaki.

She was a transfer student from Tokyo, Japan trying to break into the K-pop industry. They actually hit it off pretty well. They'd eat lunch together, talk about their favourite K-Drama's, anime's and even K-Pop groups...

Up until Minhee noticed something. 

The only thing that Yamazaki would talk about 24/7 was Mr. Kim Taehyung himself. 

Sparkles in her eyes would go off in the mention of the name V. 

Everything started to change when the girl was practically trying to pry information out of Minhee causing a red flag in her brain to go off. 

It actually made Minhee really sad. Other girls have attempted to do the same thing, (trying to get close to the boys through her) but with Ami... Minhee built a friendship with the girl.

Or at least, that's what she thought.

Once Minhee caught on and Ami noticed, everything changed.

Ami wasn't the caring sweet girl Minhee thought she was. 

She was cunning and a backstabber. 

The girl started rumours throughout the school about Minhee being selfish, spoiled and a brat. Not only was the whole world hating on Park Minhee, but so was the whole school thanks to Ms. Yamazaki. 

Even to this day those rumours about Minhee being a 'bitch' in high school still float around, although the girl denied them at all costs. Minhee has admitted in interviews she was bullied in high school.

Jungkook... was well... Jungkook and everybody loved him, while it takes Minhee time to break out of her shell when she meets new people.  

Jungkook was still shy and introverted in his own way, but everyone just acknowledged his presence naturally.

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