・BV4. Let's Jump!

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"Which one of you wants to do the Nevis swing?"

"For now it's just me, Jin and Jungkook-" Namjoon replied to one of their crew members through the walkie talkie 

"But maybe it'll change once we get there-"

"I dont think it will-" Jimin chuckled as Minhee smiled next to him.

She already decided that she wasn't going to participate. From the research and the clips they watched on youtube...

Yeah. No freaking way.


When would they ever be able to do something like this ever again?


"That looks really scary-" Jimin looked up as they got out of the van

"Can you guys really do this?" Minhee commentated

"I don't know if this was a good decision..." Namjoon joked as they entered the building

Ahhhh, what were they thinking?

"So who is going to ride the swing?"

"Three. And one man is going to do the catapult-"

"Hobi-ah-" Namjoon turned to his other half


"What about the cowards?" Jin chimed in

"Just looking at it, I can't-" Hoseok shook his head

"I don't think I can..."

"This isn't a good idea- Yoongi crossed his arms as he watched the video footage of what they were supposed to do.

"Should we give it a try Jimin-ah? J-Hope joked going around to try and convince the other members

"W-Why... would anyone go on that?"

"Let's just lay low and live comfortably-" He shuttered as Hoseok put on arm around his shoulder.

"Yoongi-hyung? Taehyung-ah?"

"Theres not even a 0.1 percent chance of me doing it-"

"If Jimin's not doing it, i'm not doing it-"


Hearing his voice, she looks over at her ex-roommate. Pulling her into a hug, trying to persuade with his charm, the girl began to smile.

"Come on Minhee-ahhh~" Noticing her hesitation caused the other members to look towards the duo

"Minhee-ah? Really??" Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook turned in surprise

Last time when they bungee jumped during their variety show, Minhee chickened out. She was the second to last person to jump and it was pitch black outside.

You couldn't really blame her for that.

"You guys-" She laid her elbows on the counter, her hands covering the lower part of her face

"I'm really scared..." Minhee let out a sigh in defeat as they all began to laugh

Not taking that as a real answer, the boys began to carry on their conversation to see who they want to jump with.

"J-Hope do you want to ride with me?" Jungkook spoke


"Do you want to go with me?" He repeated

"with you?"

"No, i'll ride with J-Hope-" Jin interjected

"It'll be better with the cowards together-"

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