Vratsa Vultures

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After returning to Malfoy Manor, Harry was teased immensely by Sirius and his three friends who've no doubt caught wind of the events that had transpired at the Delacour household from his big-mouthed dogfather.

"Shut up please!" Harry cried as Elan and Roger continued to make kissing, moaning and other inappropriate sounds as Harry was finishing his Transfiguration Essay.

"Just happy for you mate." Elan said as he swatted his friend on the head, Roger nodding sagely. "But seriously, how was it like kissing a Veela?" The Malfoy heir asked. Harry was caught off guard and nearly spilled the ink in his inkbottle on his parchment.

"Well, I don't really think I have the right words to explain it other then that it left me wanting more which has never happened in the past...she also tasted like strawberries." Harry mumbled. Everyone knew that Harry Potter had kissed almost all the upperclassmen girls during his third year, from a triple dare from Sirius who had miraculously lured his innocent godson into playing dares.

"Had fun?" Rina's sang melodiously through their mental link.

"Ermm..." Harry stuttered. "Oh great, even my familiar is teasing me." He thought to himself.

"Better get use to it, you're an open book to me." Rina trilled.

Harry mentally grumbled but quickly asked "How're you doing? Sorry I couldn't bring you over, Rosy seems to be very fond of you."

"Just get back as soon as possible, I don't think I can stand anymore of her petting. I am not an owl." Mentally rolling his eyes, Harry said a quick goodbye and placed his quill back into his bag along with his bottle of ink then joined his friends to watch a replay of Manchester United vs. Arsenal. Draco was forced to retire to bed by Narcissa since he was considered a bit young to stay up late at night.

"I've never understood the concept. It's not like in Quidditch where a game could end 700-300" Elan quirked.

"It's not just about the goals, it's the build up, team unity and game play which are unique." Roger replied and punched his fist in the air as Ryan Giggs made a superb forty-yard run before smashing the ball into a dead corner of the net.

"Tell me you didn't expect that?" Elan was speechless with his mouth agape. "I suppose." He muttered as he stuffed a handful of potato chips into his mouth. The match ended 3-3, Arsenal making a comeback in the second half, Cedric was especially happy since he was a Gunner fan and lived only ten minutes away from the Emirates Stadium in Highbury.

"I can't believe it, you saw that volley in the last minute?" Cedric exclaimed ecstatically and threw a big shit-eating grin at Harry who was a Red Devils fan since he was five.

"Whatever man, United are still first in the league." Harry retorted as he received the bag of chips from Elan.

"So, what'd you guys reckon about the whole Pettigrew issue?" Roger asked.

"He might strike Hogwarts again, seeing that he already has done it once." Cedric said.

"I don't think so, Pettigrew is a near disgrace of a wizard from what father has said. He's a scaredy cat from what I've heard, I'm surprised that he even attempted to break in" Elan growled as he struggled to open his bottle of coke.

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