A winter affair

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Lying motionlessly in his bed in the Ravenclaw Boys Dormitory was a dark haired young man, deep in sleep with his body curled up in a relaxing position. However, the image was only the calm in contrast to the machinations that were occurring inside his mind.

"Where am I?" Harry muttered to himself as he surveyed his surroundings, he was standing on what to seem to be a roof of a muggle skyscraper. It seemed to be nighttime as the dark skies above him suggested as he noted the mist around him.

"Oh, it's you…strange, you're not suppose to be here." A small voice made him jump as he quickly turned around to see a boy, no older than six or seven, peering at him with wide, green eyes. His hair was dark and messy and Harry saw that he was dressed in a white shirt and dark slacks.

"Who…who are you?...and what's this place?" Harry asked as the boy tilted his head, as if he were asked a preposterous question.

"You don't know?" The boy seemed surprise for a moment, making him…it more childlike.

"This is your mind or if more accurately, the depths below your consciousness." The child said with a hint of amusement as he gestured to their surrounding.

"Seriously?" Harry spoke as he peered down the edge of the skyscraper they were standing on, it was a long way down.

"Do you see me laughing?" The boy retorted, a serious expression on his face.

"Fair enough…but you still haven't answered my question." Harry turned back to face the child.

"If this is my mind…who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked. The child frowned and was on the process of answering when he turned his head to the dark mist that was gathering between them. Before Harry could register what was happening, his head started to ached with immense pain and before he knew it, he felt a shove and he was sent over the edge of the skyscraper and was plummeting.

"Awwhhh…why did you have to do that?" A chillingly cold voice protested as a figure formed from the dark mist.

"I was planning to introduce myself." A tall young man, clad in dark trousers, shirt and a long coat said.

"You and I both know you intend to do more than that." The young boy stared stonily into the newcomer's lightly red tinted emerald eyes.

"Am I that transparent? Tch...Though you do know that you can't keep me away forever." The young man clad in all black laughed, the air surrounding him grew colder.

"Only one can live."

Harry shot up from his bed, as if he were being electrocuted. Noting that he did not literally fall to his death was a small measure of comfort for the young man as he held his throbbing head in his hands. However, it was disconcerting on how real the dream was.

Such as the surroundings in his dream, the young boy that appeared to be older than he actually was and the dreaded sensation that made the hair on the back of his neck snap straight just before he fell.

Since the beginning of this year, he had not been feeling at his best as he would have liked but had chalked it up to physical and mental fatigue. With a sigh, he got up from bed and changed into his uniform. The common room was void of people, as he had expected as it was still early.

Plopping to one of the armed chairs near the flickering fire, Harry could only hold his head and hope that the jabbing pain would subside. Gradually and to his credit, the headache subsided as he leaned back.

"Harry?" Elena's voice made him open his eyes as he saw the concerned look on the young woman's face.

"Morning, Elena…" Harry replied with a small smile as she approached him.

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