*Chapter 9*

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Cramps are still kicking in and its been a week. I hate my uterus </3


The two of them continued sharing the Mii's. Chiaki probably got the 11037th copy of it, but she decided to not delete it. As they turned off their Nintendo's and walked to the place they decided to seperate, Y/n spoke up. "Why didn't you delete the Mii that I sent to you a bazillionth time?" They asked. "One day, I will go to Mii Maker for the nostalgia, and I will see the ugly Mii you sent me the entire time. Sometimes, you need something to trigger memories." She answered as they nodded.

'Also, you're my first friend in a while, so I want to keep this memory for a longer while.', she secretly thought. They arrived at the point where they decided to seperate paths, going their own way to their home. It was currently 6pm as Y/n waved at Chiaki and she waved back. "I'll see you tomorrow. Byee." Y/n said as Chiaki faintly smiled. "See you tomorrow." She said in an almost whispering tone.

They both walked to their own directions. Chiaki took our her console again and played as she subconsciously made her way home. Y/n instead plugged in some earbuds as they listened to a few songs until they arrived at home. They took out their keys, openes the door and stepped inside, taking the earbuds out again. They went up to their room again as they threw their bag to the side of their room. Y/n then flopped onto their bed as suddenly their phone started ringing.

They slowly took their phone to see their friend, Ryoko, calling them. They quickly answered the phone,"Heyy." "Y/n-san! Hi!" She said excitedly through the speaker. Y/n sat down as they asked,"Is everything... alright?" "Of course. Just wanted to hear something from you since we haven't been texting alot lately." She said which made Y/n happy. Knowing that a friend calls you because you haven't been texting alot lately sure is nice.

"Yeah, I've just been hanging out with a new friend lately. I'm sorry about that." They said as they chuckled. "The pink haired girl?" She asked as they nodded, although she couldn't see that. "Yeah." "Hey, in your past streams a mysterious person is said to be in your room. Could it be that its her??? Oh my god. Tell me everything. Is there something going on between you too???" She asked, curiously. "No, no, no, it's not how you think it is. I'm just playing some video games with her and hanging out with her. I swear." They tried to defend themselves.

"Naww if you say so... tell me if there will be any updates though!" She said, still insisting that there might be something going on between the two gamers. "Why doesn't she show herself though? Like, on stream?" She continued to dig in. "She doesn't want all the attention that she could be getting in the stream. That's why." Y/n asnwered. "Naw but seeing you two next to each other would be so cute! I bet you would look great together." She insisted. "C'mon Ryoko-san, first of all, not everyone is gay. Second of all, you say that always whenever I share eye contact with someone on the streets." They argued back.

"C'mon Y/n-san! She has pastel pink hair. Pastel. Pink. Hair. There is no way she's straight if she has pastel pink hair. Also! This time it's not just a shared eye contact, you're hanging out with her on a daily basis and abandoned me. If you're not going to end up together, I won't forgive you for abandoning me." She said, almost sounding pissed. "You're not the one to talk. You literally have a girlfriend, you had more time to spend with her." They stated as she chuckled. "Woops- caught me."

"Anyways I wanna relax a bit before I start the stream." They said as she nodded. "Alright! Its almost weekend, something I've been looking forward to since Sunday evening. Cant wait to finally sleep through." She said as they shared their goodbyes and hung up. Y/n turned off their phone as they looked at their Nintendo. 'Us? Together? Don't be ridiculous, Ryoko.', they thought as a picture of Chiaki flashed up in their mind. 'No, no, no, I know what you're doing brain. Stop trying to idealise and make me think of scenarios if I would be dating her. I know what you're doing.', they thought as they scolded themselves.

They started whining on their bed, because their brain sucked and now they couldn't keep the thought of dating her away just like the other girls they once shared eye contact with. 'Only because I'm thinking that, doesn't mean I like her. I don't. I don't. I don't. It's just like with the other pretty girls that I had to think about. Nothing serious.', they thought, trying to keep their thoughts off of her. "I'm gonna play a few games to get my mind off of that..."


Don't you guys hate it whenever it happens to you and you dont really have a crush but women are so NGHHHH that your brain just goes "bish what if you would be dating her... yk what I mean ;)" and makes me think of going on a picknick with them
I hate it. Stop it brain.

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